Ideas: 4th Anniversary event to celebrate

Note: I like work on my English writing skills, I’m native English speaker, grimmer and spelling wasn’t best subject in school and i have a tense drop a word or lose follow of my writing. Now, I’m older, I try to write or text more to improve myself.

We need more then just contest of fighting to celebrate the 4 year of our Galaxy Empire.
Let Host feast, that haven’t been seen by all with food from far reach of the Galaxy Empire.
With dancer an other lavish entertainments staged during the meal and various pieces of music performed from all part our space empire. With login give away and host pass out give away. We can have HWS Garage Parade by JU or other players. to show off HAV/SV/CA. With Guest like Spacer R. Daneel Olivaw assigned to work with Earthman detective Elijah Bailey. Alon with Elijah Bailey or Buck_Rogers from 1930’s to avoid copy trolls due it’s 90 years old or make something up to have fun with it. I have host player Christmas event with help Community Manager in MMO mean years ago on server far far away. I remember at time I did very good job host with no help from my own guild other then just show up at time and I have my guild leader told me he was there but not seen. I he did told me, I did very good with the feedback. I had guest ent help me out. I had additive the what happen with event with event trolls with other faction toll event with fog FX at time guest galaxy’s fast ship with it’s pilot and giant dog co-pilot landed for all guest. Community Manager private chat me to ask if the fog F/X was part of the event, I told him no. The next few days the other feedback from SWGForums was well talk about how event went not only on Ent forum and home server, but on other server. New Player Host Event rule came out from that Player Event Area 2 miles x 2 miles in game will be set a side for Player Host Event at play host request for the event and Community Manager, who help with playing part or running code for request guest npc. Sorry for get out character but just show can be done ingame with out step on little bridge trolls who live under computer’s high-bridge(Computer geek wordplay lol :)). Have fun :smiley:

Note: I like work on my English writing skills, I’m native English speaker, grimmer and spelling wasn’t best subject in school. Now, I’m older, I try to write or text more to improve myself.


Thank you, for the reply.
Yes, some time I can get my idea on paper and other time, I just need stay away from writing.

I try be entertaining and just lost my focus and got remind of event from few years ago.

My I should be making is event by doing god job planning and apeting to change from both in event it self and out forces. For example of in event would be bad acting guest or trolls or part crasher and outside would be storm, wind.
Big thing like to do is greet the guest and have some give away for in game event.
Then get dancing start with music. Next have other active to help keep the event going.
Last is big finish event, example have character drop to greet and be in screenshots or big firework shows.

I like where this is going.

Thank, you :slight_smile: