Is the HQ Mission Homeworld Factory missing?

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> I have completed the HQ mission as far as needing to find the Homeworld Factory. I cannot find it. The nearest I can find is the Abandoned Factory. Is the Homeworld Factory missing from the map or has it been changed to the abandoned factory?

Player(s) with issue:
=> aeonbug

=> EU - not looked on NA

Time (cb:time):
=> 10:00 pm

=> Homeworld Planet

Structure Name(s):
=> Homeworld Factory - HQ Mission

Structure ID(s):

How can we help you now:
=> Could you please check that it is on the map, or put it on if it is missing.

Oh, yes, this could be.
I’ll check that Mission out. Probably legacy from old season.
Once it’s done, I will note it here.

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I suspect the Triton mission may have the same issue.

The Triton Cave Mission works fine and has since a day after the beginning of the season.

I mean the Triton factory mission

My apologies. I thought you meant the cave mission.

any news on this one =)

Gareth seems to destroy our rep with all factions, so wanted to do this while i still have some rep left with them :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah, it’s actually not so easy. I try to make it all fixed with Release Part 3 this weekend.

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Will be fixed with the next restart. On Homeworld there is a “Wall Bunker”.
Good Luck!

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Does that mean that the Wall Bunker is the new ‘Factory’?

Exactly. The wording will be different in the PDA with the restart as well.
Just make sure to restart the whole game to get the up to date PDA data.

The Factories as well as the EGS HQ X7 Missions will get reworked and updated in the next season I guess.

Adding POIs AFTER a season started already is only possible when I wipe the whole playfield. Something I don’t want right now.

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