Koth12 - Ship Left on Orbit

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
My friend koth12 was flying with ship to a Moon.
He went to the Moon’s surface.
Ship was left on orbit.
He cannot back.
Ship is on the orbit drying whole power.
I cannot help him because I am on different planet without any resources.
Player(s) with issue:
Time (cb:time):
Today’s morning.
Lawless Home
Lawless Moon
Structure Name(s):
Don’t remember, something with Puddle Jumper
Structure ID(s):
How can we help you now:
Move him to that ship or move that ship to him or simply lift him to that ship.

Done. I warped him to his ship


Thanks you.

Big plus for you for very quick response.
That supprised.
I supposed I will have wait days for resolve.

I got message from my friend @koth12 that problem is solved. The ship doesn’t have power and we don’t have fuel but we will somehow survive. I don’t want to bother you anymore.

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