LBP Exploit Accusations in Global

Actually…most fun I had was in a 50 device CV in 3.4 flying around and zapping miners on the ground before they could tun to their SVs.

Thing is if you don’t build to the limit you build to lose, so our ships have grown from costing 30k, to 60k, to 150k, to 800k iron - which was just silly. Ring Thing is under 15k blocks, I should really just stuff it with more blocks.

Also you need more ram.

I dont want to bring this again oh lord i dont want it…but it looks like i must bring it again.

This pirates are doing new ways to hack us, new ways to bring us down with the most barbarian ways to do it.

Let me share with you inocent traveller what did happended to me by the hand of this horrible pirates… This time the SWP and THEY WERE on NA server. I think also the LBP is working with them too like the CIA and Osama bin laden.

All started weeks ago i was flying around the universe collecting fiber and singing gospel till I saw this barbarian pirates on discord channel. They told me that they were going to ruin my game…and so they did it…

At that exacly time my game crashes, my gf got angry with my with no reason and the mailman also show it self with something suspicious.

Need evidence? ohh lord mercy I have it!!! Alleluya!

Evidence 01
When my computer crashes

Evidence 02
My gf angry with no reason look at her tshirt!!!

Evidence 03
The mailman look at his jacked this is all conspiration!!

I have evidence that LBP is cheating…cheating in my heart for be pirates but so far as Guardians i must say that they are the best pirates and the more fair players on here…ofcourse the most agresive too so we must know how to lose sometimes too… and this post was made for entertaiment.

Keep it up and when there is no prooff…just ignore what you read buddy.


There is more proof of LBP hacks in this post than we have seen in any other thread so far. I guess once Rex is back I’m banned.


swp took over the world:slight_smile:

There might actually be some problem with the game itself. Perhaps some players experience some kind of different lag than others because of legacy blocks/versions or something something cache. I only say this because I maintain a solid 60fps in planet orbits, and can handle pretty well near massive ships.

The other night, however, something popped into the orbit I was at and my frames dropped below 5. Didn’t know or see who it was but it was unplayable. This was even outside render range. This might actually be a danger for whoever might own an unapparent bugged ship, because I realized I could practically “echo-locate” (lag-locate?) the direction of the lag with my sniper rifle. If I were bored enough I could probably triangulate its position pretty well if left in orbit.

Mord, I just want to apologize up front for my global chat shenanigans tonight.

I broke my one golden rule of no crap-smacking on global and I do apologize for it.

Sleight-hand accusations of exploiting and hacking is my fault and again sorry for that, it’s low of me.

I’m always looking for the fabled “good fight” and you guys brought it tonight and I thank you for it…

We get the same accusations and it sucks to hear it said against you, again you wont be hearing any fodder from our folks any further.

Take care, and good fights.

PM me about the Pacifist. I already talked to Raven but I think I know exactly why that ship is still LBP and will remain so.

Also…I hate your planet. You can keep it.

PS. You guys are the first to kill me and my CV…

LBP - one of the most self righteous, arrogant clans I have come across in over 20 years of online gaming. They never do anything wrong…sounds like real world lawyers to me.

And with the power of videos, they haven’t.

Oh, and you have not seen what can be done with video editing these days?

My opinion only, I don’t trust that.

Yeah I bet everyone is the illuminati, too.

Really? That’s a sad retort.

You know what the hell, most of the pragrams cheatrs of today, are hardly detected by the anti-cheat programs of the game, this is because the hacks that develop these programs are constantly updating them, and most of the users of these programs configure them So that they can activate and deactivate them within the game at any time they want, making it almost impossible to be noticed unless some adm or gm is present at the battle site, however these programs leave a trace, because when activated, the server Is overloaded because the calculations that in theory he should do and have a consistent result, are not because the program prevents the player from taking damage or things of the kind and this ends up generating an absurd traffic on the server because he tries to interpret and calculate the Because that player does not take certain damage and another player and there are still tools that increase the damage of weapons and the like.

An individual who uses these types of programs, has a serious personality problem and a low self esteem and as a player and a real trash, because he can never win anything from anyone without using these programs, he has no capacity, he is almost like an addict On drugs he can not stay without using that … he’s a loser …


What the hell is the language, I did not find a translation.

it’s exaggerated-ese for ‘Illuminati’

How dare we prove our innocence with

  1. Videos we’re not cheating
  2. Server admin investigations that we’re not cheating
  3. Developer investigating our ship designs and finding we’re not cheating.

But hey. A couple people on the forums said we’re cheating so it must be true, right?

Speaking of arrogant…

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Are you seriously implying that we would put in the effort to edit gameplay videos to cover up any alleged misconduct? I mean, accusations of neckbeardery may be fair game but come. on.

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This goes on far too long and unpleasant words being spoken

Everything has an end

this is just that
