Let's talk about (HWS) PvP

Theres one think expecially that bugs me pretty much. Its the B key list that tells which player and factions is online. That allows to take timed action againts your offline protected structure or plan things according players or factions that are currently in game. This B list should taken out,. should be using surveillance and scouting to get this information not some lists. alltough this also would make random talking in public pretty hard and some other things too, so its pretty hard to take it out without doing some things differently

1. Anti Grief Zone (AG) / Land Claim Zone (LCZ)

Anti Grief need to extend beyond the turret range of bases(not just the turrets auto lock/fire range but the actual range of the projectiles weather manned or unmanned, in such a way that people cant turret creep into another base. I think having demo charges be the only thing that can dig in ā€œhostileā€ anti grief is a good meta due to the required time and dismounting. Additionally there should be no way for any part of a structure to exist overlapped with invulnerable terrain. Also the ability to create terrain with hand tool should be removed.

2. Offline Protection (OP)

OLP weapons should not fire

3. Blueprint Spawning / Elite Builder League (EBL)

Blueprint spawning should only be possible on specific pve playfields. There are ways to work around the issues this would cause like people being ā€œstrandedā€.

4. Terrain Deformation

Should only work to a small limited depth say 10 blocks.

5. Playfield Restrictions

These are good however until the play field can simply insta kick any over sized structure out of the play field I wouldnā€™t waste much time trying to perfect it. It mostly punishes the honest.


I stopped doing PVP CV fights, the flight model and nature of the game make for boring fights that just take forever. Who has the most layered flying brick with the most guns on it, who gets the least lag shots. not interesting imo.
The flight model is just too limited to enjoy space fights, and balance is so off that SV-CV fights are out of the question totally, which is just a missed opportunity for this game. Not much HWS can do about this.
I enjoyed planet side fights, where HVā€™s and SVā€™s, have a role, but this was only do-able if you had a bigger clan to work with, other wise there was no way in keeping a piece of planet for a while. not sure how that is these days. I just lost interest in PvPingā€¦ I come back every update, enjoy the early game and than just get bored after a while. The PvP is too grindy for me to enjoy.
just my two cents and most of this is not adjustable by HWS I think. Still best server around.
(tried official servers shortlyā€¦ the lag was insane :smiley: )


Because it stop other forms of grief. Such as leaving 4+ HVā€™s under or out of range of your guns etc. Also since weapon ranges are 500 and anti grief is 350ā€¦ This reduces the problem of people griefing in all new ways you might not have thought of since you are not a troll.

200% agree.

Only way bases to survive is with active defenders. bases is way too easy to destroy. They need to be MUCH more powerfull. Its easy to take down any pvp base even alone. Alone they cant survive even against crippled blind man with a stick for his weapon. Very unrealistic.

There should be system that alone bases is boosted a much and when theres defenders not. Then we dont even need olp. Like no owners in current playfield, boosted. This would be much more versatile than invisible barrier

as long as bases is so weak alone, i dont see a point to make large use of ā€œonly build by hand, not spawn allowedā€ feature for just to build base every time again and again, when those life cycle is non existend. Alltough i like the feature but its bit pointless how bad the AI is, some playfield alltough it could have it uses, more of problem is infinite amount of ready to spawn ships in spot, so if used should be combined with use of platform spawn only for ships

antigrief is a must, same goes to terrain modification

landclaim device effect should be shared with alliance

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I do not believe HWS has the capacity to improve a solitary base as you would like it to be. It would also create inconsistencies in the general gameplay. I would however not mind it if base artillery were given a boost to range, but we are talking about a science fiction game trying to play like a mix between WWI and WWII mechanics.

In truth, we would destroy static objects like bases with asteroid drops, asteroids fired at .666C, impacting with the force of a city killing nuke. Hopefully some day, a game someplace will give us this ability, such that we donā€™t want to be on the planets, but rather would hid our bases in the void of space (AUā€™s apart from each other). That to have found someoneā€™s home, is to wipe them out totally and completely (Read The Three Body Problem series by the Chinese writer Liu Cixin for further details).

Yo Bro. The BIIIIIIGGGGESSST Problem for PVP are the Supergates. They are really cool but take out a really worthful Part of PVP. The CVs! I dont know why I should build a CV when I can easy use the Supergates! And you dont have to miner some Meteorits because all resources you can easy get in PVE. So CVs are useless. The best pvp Season was Season 5. And why? You often found CVs on Planets! Because you needed them to fly to the Planet! So you had the chance of better rewards in PVP.
And now? With luck you can find on that big fad Planets (The other Problem) another SV and could fight with it about 40 mins and then the other could easy run away (The next problem :D)
And when you could kill the other player SV with luck. You dont get much reward because it was only a stupid SV. Hmm But why you should farm on PVP Playfield? Dont know in this season. you find all of that easy in PVE!

So Supergates are really cool. But not to fly to PVP playfields! And there you have to found the really cool resources, then you have a nice PVP again!
Really easy !

Goldenglobe = No where in the universe you get as much gold as you get here.

Homeworld = The most ressourceful system in the universe, and itā€™s faster to mine here than anywhere else.

Titan = You get 10 RP daily for having a base here.

That was just 3 PvP planets. All PvP planets have a reason why you would go there. Thereā€™s also traders in walla and cebo.

Two problems with the asteroid theory. One the amount of fuel energy to move a space rock along with the math needed to aim it accurately is insane. Second you donā€™t get all heavy metal space rocks, a lot of them are ice and other elements that would burn up in atmosphere. Last since the bases have LASERS on them they could shoot large objects in the air and either break them up or destroy them. This is probably why the Death Star uses lasers and not something used to destroy dinosaurs. What would make bases cool is the ability to launch drone fighters/bombers (not the current ones).

Remember, the target is the base, and the amount of damage you ideally want to do is only the base. This means the size of object accelerated to .666C or the speed of light, needs only be the size of your car, or perhaps a small bus. Even if portions of the base remain after the bombardment, they would make for easy clean up afterwards.

When one has the means of faster than light travel, fuel is not a consideration. It would be directed by the warp drive at the planet (if need be, crack its crust and kill its core).

Second, if one had to, accelerating the asteroid to near light speed if not entering light speed, would turn even ice and sand into kinetic or energy kill weapons.

Third, given how slow lasers track in this game, and how fast .666 the speed of light is, the laser turret would not even have activated its motor to begin tracking the target by the time it struck the base.

The faster the object travels, the more force the atmosphere will exert on the asteroid. To move .666 the speed of light would destroy a car sized asteroid in Atmosphere. Also again since an asteroid would be of unknown material or little known material and little to no known structural integrity aiming would be insane. So again, a ā€œDeath Starā€ style weapon would be easier to make, use and fire since it has none of these problems. Sorry Star Ship troopers didnā€™t figure that out.

The thing that i really cannot understand is 150 blocks cv. Why i cannot land with a class one on gg or a class 7 on hw planets?
We need to force use of all 4 types of structures.
As Stunner666 says the supergates removes the need of cvs for movement.
As i stated the mining svs remove the need of hv and the need of a cv for transport them and the need of a base to protect them.

If we could make CVā€™s a thing on GG, then HVā€™s could also become a thing. Whoā€™s want to risk a badger on GG, with a 150 block CV as transport. A size class 1 though. That might work.

@Lokiet @Chaplain_5-15


That is a nice site, and will aid me in the destruction of many world with my fictional writing. But sadly it will not calcaulate the Impact Velocity greater than 718782 KM, which I would need 718782397.3008 kph to yield .666c the speed of light.

Limitations of the site, which otherwise is a great resource.