Loss of credit

Hello,I transferred money from personal account Bank online 589,000 cr but they did not come on the personal account I have them either,I initially was 590,000,but a couple of times I tried to lay down amounts less than,21,000 38,000 and then they immediately came,but 589,000 where it disappeared it was 11,01,2017 at 23:30 approximately

RexXxuS Hello dear,how are things with my lost credit?they never came(((


What is your ingame name? and which server?


nick Gektor62.well hws server where 177 people

HWS EU PvP 5.0 I MODs+Web Api

Sorry cant see any loss in the logs. You still have the same amount.
So please give further infos:
-What time-zone are you in?

Just to get it right: You want to get the 589k Credits from your Bank and put them into your player? That did not work?
When did you loose something? You still have the same amount of Credits on bank.

I was digging gold at Gabriel,at the time I had in the Bank had 593 thousand,then in the morning they gave me 1% became 599 thousand,and then when I dug out the gold and threw them into the ATM,my player became a 589 thousand,I entered the command eb:payin:589000 and the non money came to the Bank account,I later collected gold again tried to enter this command the money came,but these 589000 just from the player’s account was removed and all,and on account of the online no came

in General, money from these player did not come to the online Bank

currently my online Bank 801001

you gonna help me or not?

Sorry. I still dont understand your problem?

I gave you the credits. After searching long i might have found what you mentioned. Please be more clear next time.