Lost 9.8 Million on a payout from EB

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: While doing a payout from my elemental bank to player credits, almost 10 million just disappeared
Player(s) with issue: fe_quirino
Server: NA
Time (cb:time): 5:28AM
Playfield: CSW space
Structure Name(s): none
Structure ID(s): none
How can we help you now: So while I was doing a payout from EB of 9.800.000 to my player account and after checking the activity log it transfered but on my final number on my player account is basically 9 credits. I talked to a lot of other players, nobody knows about a glitch like that but I thought it would be worth to notice you about it. I know that right now and probably for the next weeks you will be on full season 8 mode and I don’t want to bother you with it, but it can happen to other players and become a hassle in the future. If in the future you can do anything about that and the money I lost, I would be hugely thankful. But just keep the good work to keep this the best empyrion server ever, as usual.


thanks for the accurate time. That helped a lot to find it directly.
But you forgot one little detail: You did CSW just a minute before.

CSW resets your player in the first 60 seconds after you login to the destination server.
If you do any transactions in that time, like eb:payout, you will lose it.
So always wait until CSW is finished.

I will give you your money now into your bank.

thanks a lot, did not now about the coooldown/bank relation… will keep that in mind and tell the others =]

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