Missing DNA

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> Howler

Server? (+ EU or + NA or RE EU or RE NA)
=> RE NA

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time) N/A

On which Playfield?
=> N/A

Structure Name(s)?

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?
=> N/A

How can we help you now?
=> I’ve been voting daily but not receiving DNA as per my dashboard.

I have the correct steam account logged in. I have gone by different aliases on this server before so suspect maybe a record mismatch somewhere

does hws connect show the same exact steam profile you’re using to sign into the voting site?

Yes it does. Howler RE NA. Same Profile pic and everything

and the dashboard doesn’t show anything? no credits or dna? be sure you don’t have any filters selected too. that can hide details.

Correct, it does show one entry for 8/8/23 strangely.

odd indeed. screenshots will help the admins if u can provide them.

just out of curiosity, do u have multiple steam accounts that vote on that same website?

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I do not. I have voted for other servers in other games on this site, but all under the same steam account.

Welcome back.

That is not true.

Your alt account “NoSoup4U” is farming the votes and as the website is saying: you did vote already - it is IP address bound.

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That is my brother, we live together and are playing together. I am surprised you haven’t come across a similar situation like this - although anybody can say anything. I do understand the restriction though to prevent farming - but it will likely it will force me to quit playing this server as DNA seems vitally important to upgrading.

That makes no sense. Obviously, it’s not the first time this happened, because Bob mentioned it to you - so he knows it and many others who try to vote with 2 PCs in the same IP network realized it sooner or later. That’s exactly why he asked you about multi accounts.

It’s not coming from me/us - it’s the third party voting website that enforces unique ip addresses.

While this is up to you, I can only say it’s a hip shot, because you can farm the HWS Star Fragments for thousands of HWS DNA, the new Nova content and many other missions and goodies to get a lot of HWS DNA.

yes, it’s very silly to quit because of one limitation. there are many ways to get DNA outside of voting. just ask around in global chat for advice.

Yeah, that’s fair. I didn’t know. I basically have no clue what I am doing. I am a noob. Anyways, for the record. NoSoup4U isn’t my alt. You can check our past and current Patreon subscriptions and Steam accounts which would indicate we are far more likely to be two different people than not. Also, the ignorance with which I approached this whole situation would show I meant no ill will or wanted to waste anyone’s time knowing I was alt-farming the whole time. Thanks for everyone’s time though.

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the voting site itself is what restricts multiple votes from the same external IP address. many players here have family members that join from the same IP address. the easy work around is using a mobile phone on cellular data connection just to vote then go back on wifi for everything else. each cell phone gets a different external IP address on cellular networks.


brilliant, thanks for the tip!

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