Missing Ore in OCD

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> Deposited around 12k gold ingots in OCD and they aren’t there. although the rest of the items I deposited are accounted for.

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> JungleG1980

Server? (EU or NA or RE)
=> RE

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> Not sure. Noticed a day after it happened

On which Playfield?
=> ECC homeworld

Structure Name(s)?

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?

How can we help you now?
=> Is it possible to have the ore returned or replaced in the OCD?


I restored them to your inventory. Something went wrong in the game communication.
I also returned I think 3 other ores you lost.

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