Missing Patron Core

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> Patron Core lost during recycle

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> Maldivh

Server? (+ EU or + NA or RE EU or RE NA)
=> NA RE

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> 24-01-28 09:32

On which Playfield?
=> Manymgor

Structure Name(s)?
=> Arrax RE 22370851

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?
=> 22370851

How can we help you now?
=> @RexXxuS hello, its me again. Sorry to put you to work 2nd day in a row. Im EGS Recycle 5, I have 100 slots available in OCD but when I recycled my ship the one & only thing I cared about is now missing, the Patron Core. Only 46 OCD slots got used and the rest got kicked back to me, even though I was connected to an empty 640k container, again all i could do was put items in the tool bar. No matter that stuff tho, would just like to see if I can get the Patron core back please. Its even listed in my dashboard as “Lost: 1 x HWS Patreon Core (2931)” :sob:

Can you send me a screenshot of this please? :slightly_smiling_face: Then I will come look.

Perfect. I can refund it to you when you’re online next time. Please just let me know and I’ll come ingame.

The reason it was deleted was most likely that the patreon cores can’t go into OCD, and if you then recycled to OCD; gone.

Just jumped in-game. will be on for the next couple hours

Alright, I’ll be on in a few miuntes.

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Think this was up for discussion before, but is it possible to allow the core in ocd? But wipe from ocd each seasonwipe?

Don’t you think that would just result in a lot of tickets after full wipe: “Where is my patreon core? I had it before the wipe”

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of course =) But there is two ways to get it =) Put in a warning message then, and we can keep a copy paste of the message here to spam back =D

Im actually shocked to just now learn the Patreon Core is a one & done item. Im new to HWS & really enjoying it. Still learning all the little nuiances of this adaptation to a great game. The core is prob the best perc to being a master+ patreon. 1m to cpu, c’mon thats awesome! Now imagine my surprise to learn the season is ending in 2 weeks.
Wishing now I had waited to become a patreon or left the perc with the npc for the new sesson. Just never knew the core was not savable.

I don’t think you need to worry. Patreon cores are not one-time. You should easily be able to get another one next season as well.
Almost no matter how you got it this season, that should be possible again right after the full wipe from my knowledge (but I could technically be wrong. My gameplay knowledge is not up-to-date).

My personal guess would be they can’t go into OCD, so people can’t hoard them and they lose their value, as people are stacked on them anyway. Similar to what happened to alien/NPC cores with time.

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if nothing changes, when the next season starts, you should be able to reclaim it again from the NPC at ECC HQ and from the 7th fragment…

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Awesome, this is all great news! Thank you

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