Missing SV Brutus Jr

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> I had my freelancer SV starter ship, renamed Brutus Jr, attached to my Mack CV. I was moving between Eden, ECC and Atlantis. Upon returning to Eden, I noticed that my SV was missing. I do not know when or where it disappeared. I checked the Registry and found nothing. I tried using the CB “Gotoship” and “Getship” commands, nothing.

Player(s) with issue:
=> Howie

=> HWS, NA

Time (cb:time):
=> Unknown


Structure Name(s):

Structure ID(s):
=> Unknown

How can we help you now:
=> Are you able to find my SV?

Log in to the hws connect and check structure commander and see if you can find it there.

Thanks, it is not in the Structure Command list either.


sorry there was the public bug again :frowning:

The game messed it up and it got public and unusable.

Sadly, since its more then 3 days ago there is no backup to restore it anymore.

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