What happened: I lost my sv Player(s) with issue: Latva Laho Server: EU Time (cb:time): 17:40 Playfield: Freelancer HQ Structure Name(s): SV_Kirppu_v2.0 Structure ID(s): 381848 How can we help you now: I see on map sv, but when i go to the location it is nowhere, could you warp sv around my base or make it visible.
I parked the SV before losing my base in the parking garage. The next time I came into the game, it had disappeared from there.
Can you destroy it because when I went to find it with the cv, my cv got stuck in it, it is inside the green border and can not be seen. "There is no docked ship in your ship. Flying not possible."
Ok, i use CD:DESTROY:381848 and it’s working, now all is ok, i lost only ammunition and ship.