I have a suggestion for the sever after watching a few newbs struggle. It seems that the starter planets have an issue with people losing their base because they didn’t know about the weekly base wipes and end up losing everything including their survival constructor. Since they don’t realize they can fresh start to their gear back they just explode chat. Is there any way to get them to land at the starter/training base or something equivalent?
I believe all the info regarding wipes is on the boards in the HWS info centre.
I’m sure some people breeze through that though and crack on with the game.
Maybe a new ‘server message’? if there isnt one already. Or possibly a counter in HWS connect for said newbie to keep track of how many days he/she has left?
I know my first time I just couldn’t remember it all. Maybe put a trader in there as well to help promote reading it multiple times
Problem is if they don’t want to look at the in game provided help they aren’t going to. When their base is wiped they are going to rage every single time and always claim there was no provided tips or help despite there being tons of it. If they speak up in chat people will always tell them it’s best to get off starter as quick as possible and let them know about the 7 day wipe as well, they just want to play the way they want to play and then get mad when they didn’t read the server rules/guidelines.
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