New Rule suggestion:

Hi Folks, i have a new rule suggestion which applies to PVE/PVP rotation playfields to prevent the PVE playfield and Anti-grief zones from being easily exploited.

For example let’s take a look at some bases on Arma (Let me make it clear that i’m not calling anyone out here, as far as i can tell in PVE it’s a legit tactic). But in PVP the anti-grief range suddenly extends to the point of infringing on another players base meaning that they may not be able to place turrets or replacement parts.

To me this should be an illegal tactic to put a base in a PVE/PVP rotation zonethat will have an anti-grief that’ll will get bigger when it goes to PVP therefore stopping people from being able to fix ships in their bases and such.

Rule 1: So the rule would sound like this: “On a PVE/PVP rotation playfield, you are not allowed to place a base within 500 metres during PVE time.”.

Therefore you’d still be allowed to place ‘attack’ bases during PVP, but you couldn’t exploit the smaller PVE anti-grief zone before the PVP time

I’d also say the same about parking hovers in or near enemy bases during PVE time also. The rule could sound something like this:

Rule 2: “On a PVE/PVP rotation playfield, you are NOT allowed to place hover-vessels within 400 metres of an enemy base for use in PVP”.

As a result you could still spawn hovers as defences at your base and have them slightly closer to the enemy bases but you couldn’t park them on-top of enemy bases as i’ve seen once already on Armageddon


I strongly believe it falls under the fair-play secton, PVE time on these playfields is exactly that; PVE, that time should not be used to abuse the lower anti-grief ‘balloon’ around bases. Similarly this is true of hovers in which they would traditionally be fired upon when approaching an enemy base, but placing them in PVE over the enemies base simply feels like a natural exploitation of the PVE-state of the playfield.

Naturally the most important thing with any new rule is that the language is very clear, so that it cannot be misunderstood by factions so people don’t end up accidentally breaking the rules.

I’m curious to see what other players say about this! Feel free to post and comment below! :slight_smile:

Best regards


SECONDED. makes total sense, totally necessary

That is honestly the reason why I removed Armageddon back in the days.

PvP and PvE mixed together on that scale won’t work.
Even if we set the Anti Grief distance properly, the fact that you can land your HV on the enemy structure just to decoy or whatever ruins the PvP and fun purpose.

Anyways the elephant is in the room and as expected lessons are learned for HWS 8.

I will implement these two rules for the sake of HWS 7.X.X and not making Armageddon perma PvP for now but I will point out clearly that we will block + ignore + delete any direct messages, private messages or stuff like this regarding this.

These two rules are only valid and enforced if a screenshot / video is attached to the proper support ticket.

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Hello Rexxus!

Thank you ever so much with your reply and for implementing these, it had just become a little bit ridiculous unfortunately.

Also thank you for replying to my messages regarding this, i cannot thank you enough as it was all starting to ruin the PVP aspect from it all overall!

This is a fantastic PVP server and hopefully the playtime of our members is a testament to how much fun we’ve had on the server! Here’s to more fun to come!

Best regards