New way to play GG?

This wasn’t supposed to be a reply to fe but it seemed to do that anyway…

Balancing? From what aspect? Why not balance it by making all the starter planets like homeworld, then everyone can hold hands together and have all the resources, never complaining about them again.
This is not the solution…
Larger, more organized factions will always have the advantage and you’re back at square one. I think the gold rush mission may be more up your alley, and that is already in-game.

A fence is not building to create lag. There are pictures of bases created to generate lag, ours is not one. Nor is this relevant to the topic.

Not sure what you’re referring to, this doesn’t make much sense.

Most of the active PVPers (from both sides, heck @Quasar and I agree on something) are agreeing on this point… there is no agenda, we just don’t see how this benefits PVP. As someone else said, this is the most highly rated season thus far. Why make such a drastic change?

To bring up some others’ points:

Agreed. This is why bunkers aren’t much fun in practice. Cool theory, but not much risk.

We already have the gold rush mission for that. I think gold rush was a fantastic idea that solves the “noob/PVE-friendly” issue.

I don’t entirely agree, but it made me think of something. Block ships. That’s all that’ll be here. People aren’t going to make halfway decent looking ships when they have the chance of being under fire. This doesn’t foster creativity – half of the game is building!

Again, larger factions will always have advantages in PVP. The gold rush mission, again, is a good solution for this.

I can’t say without looking at the server performance, but in my experience Homeworld seems more draining on the client and the server lags more/with lower numbers than GG. GG seems very stable in comparison.

I like this idea. If you want PVP in a more isolated instance, as an alternative to going to PVP-heavy GG, I think having this kind of thing would be beneficial. It should not replace it, though.

The fact is, though, this does not in any way favor new players. It puts them at even more of a disadvantage. New players are not able to logistically support themselves going into this nor do they have the building experience PVP veterans do. From a start-with-nothing perspective, yes they’re on an even playing field. After the first 5 seconds though they are at a disadvantage. In addition, having stuff for new players is good! When do you draw the line between new player and just “player”? I’d say when they leave the starter planet. After that, you can’t give “new” players advantages. It’s too hard to track and enforce.

Nobody has brought up server restarts.

This is a very good point.

This already exists in the Gold Rush mission.

Do not limit factions. This is silly. Factions are a group of players providing content for each other and other factions as well. Giving factions a disadvantage does nothing advantageous for the server or community. You want people in factions so that they have more of a reason to stay and play.

I completely agree with this. Though, again, I bring up the Gold Rush mission…

It’ll just move us to another planet. If you want PVP, you know where to find us. If you want gold, you can try it in a PVP atmosphere or do the Gold Rush mission.