No mats from recycle

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
Recycled 2 T4 HV’s only some blocks went to OCD nothing not a single thing went to my BP. If I would have known would have removed parts myself but it said the remainder would go to BP. My BP was empty
Player(s) with issue:
=> Shopdogin

=> Empyrion NA

Time (cb:time):
=> 5 pm PST

=> ECC Recycle

Structure Name(s):
=> HV Raid Support T4
HV Hunting Platform T4

Structure ID(s):
=> 25710381 and 25057123

How can we help you now:
=> would like my stuff there is a list on connect.

Depending on your OCD level, you only get some things back.
I believe from Recycle level 1 to 3 you only get (some of the) blocks, and with level 4 to 5 it returns some of the devices as well.
You can read more on the EGS Recycle page in the guide somewhere.

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