OCD pre wipe notice

Dear HWS Community <@&926930721812123738> <@&276037439074729984>
as always, before the new season begins, OCD categories are checked and announcement is being made about any changes.
(thanks for players who brought this up to me)

• X-Corp LR-47 Thunderbolt is now in the Legendary OCD Category
• X-Corp PR-65A Plasma Rifle is now in the Legendary OCD Category
• X-Corp PR-65A Plasma Cartridge is now in the Ultra Epic OCD Category
• Heavy Beam Laser Turret was listed in the Guide as Ultra Epic category but was never set in the first place. Fixed now.

:warning: Make sure to spread this information! Ignoring this info or not being active, does not mean you will be excluded :warning:
Reminder: <#1016703520042385461>

As always, you get RP/Credits as compensation if overflowing items are being deleted. (1 credit per item. 1/1000 Origin XP per item)
In general your empty OCD slots are being filled first and only the overflow is being cut/compensated.

Please let me know if more items should/need an OCD Category (change).