What happened: Is it possible to double-check that the XIR flat-base next to POR on Armageddon does NOT have OLP (as the last base i saw like that DID have OLP). Player(s) with issue: Wiseman. Server: EU Time (cb:time): 11:05 Playfield: Armageddon Structure Name(s): VALENOK Structure ID(s): Unknown How can we help you now: Check if A.F.T’s VALENOK base has OLP and if it does please ask him to remove it.
I hope this is an acceptable ticket, i’ve tried to follow all the rules and make sure that i’m not accusing anyone, A.F.T is a fun player to fight against, i simply want to ensure that there’s no bad-blood our factions once the ‘fighting season’ begins!
Thanks for the ticket, but please only report issues you can confirm. We are not ghost chasing something.
If you see OP than we will investigate, but we cant check every request to see if someone has OP in their building.
Thanks and that’s fine, as an identical BP to todays base was spawned yesterday and had OLP and only reason i didn’t report one of them then was as a result of them having no turrets thanks to our work before it went OLP
Nontheless i will keep this in mind for future reference!