One and the last time - HWS community behavior


I try to make this as quick and possible for everyone and the last time. We had this, we have it even in the guide but people are blind or lazy.

Slander, Accusation, Harassment

Once for all: it is an alpha game. Bugs / glitches / exploits can happen not even the devs know about it. But to get rid of them and to know exactly what happens we need proofs / evidences and a reproducible cases.

If you find something strange: contact us personally! I mean 9999 iron ingots in one slot is for sure something strange and easy to call for but if crashes happen… if a fight goes in a weird, unexpected direction than you have to video screen it! Make screenshots! Contact us!

We will block any hate, cry, slander, accusations now without proofs. We are really tired of it. And if you don’t care about keeping the community friendly, helping the game in development in collecting proofs, staying calm by that than it is not the right server / game for you!

We give you OCD, we give you AM, we give you already our endless time. Our price is high enough. But to go out and taking away the fun of other people only because something weird, unexpected happened and not even having it as evidences is directly a blocker.

I address this especially to the NA server…

You spread hate, accusations, lies, etc. in global chat, Discord, Forum etc without proof and searching contact with us instead?
Deal with prison or ban.
Why? Because it is an alpha game you are not only a player - you are especially a tester. The better you help us to resolve the pain you have the better you can enjoy with less drama and more fun!

Thanks for your understanding.

Your HWS Team


Hey @everyone,

it striked again - people forget quite easy I see.

The behavior on NA the last days were more and more like in a kindergarten. Throwing bad words from A to B and feeling good by doing it.

Some people sent me screenshot proofs of the trash talks in global chat and some wrote me not so amused messages.

Because of that non-sense I didn’t see a reason why prison is appropriate this time. Instead a clear ban for 1-2 days was given.
Maybe as a little punch against the brain to wake up and remember our community guideline.

PvP attracts some smash trash talk here and there but in a mannered way and knowing when to stop.

I don’t call names here but the people who are affected will read this and know who they are.

Thanks and once again - the more time you give us to work on 6.0 the better it will be. This here is not helping anyone.

Your HWS Team