In a recent post Op4 was accused by ACP of tackling. A screenshot was provided.
Colin provided video evidence that ACP uses their CVs to ram Op4 SVs repeatedly.
Here is the same incident Colin posted in his video but from a different angle. You can clearly
see the ACP CV ramming and attempting to pin Colins SV.
But wait there’s more. Here the ACP CV rams my SV causing me to get stuck. Hoping for a
screenshot perhaps?
After repeated ramming this is what I believe the desired result to be.
Op4 would have preferred not to waste the Admins time on childish drama. However we feel
it necessary to show the tactics used by ACP who are making these accusations. That way they
can be viewed in the proper context.
Looks to me like in that video you go under Ran’s ship and then hold spacebar, I see the terrain move down right before you are inside his cv. Middle video at :06/:28. So you just posted a video of you tackling his cv with an sv gj 
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Here is the GIF of it incase you dreamed of deleting the video
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This video shows your fuel consumption increasing as you fly under the CV and press spacebar to fly up into the underside of it. it shows your altitude going from 750 to orbit, to 748 to orbit, which indicates you actually flew UP.
Why would you fly UP when underneath an enemy CV?
All I see is a video of an SV flying underneath a CV and ascending up into it.
Got any more of these videos? These are good.
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Hitting spacebar after to avoid, or after being entangled is just - what happens. You can clearly see the CV was on collision course. Forgetting to roll your SV 180 before hitting your space bar is just poor defensive driving, and doesnt take away from the CV’s original intent.
Just my noob thoughts on the matter. Suppose its up to the HWS Gods to decide.
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Its very dodgy that he has the other video of him landing on the cv and not posting it because he knows it will show how guilty he is so he uses evasive tactics with other video’s xD
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Ok, after much thought and deliberation this is how its going. The first video link is the damming one, theres no doubt that CV is ramming and so earns a 24 hour ban for Ranzeth.
Everyone Else involved gets a warning. There is some dirty play going on here and I think everyone is as guilty as everyone else. As you all know we are in an Alpha game which has bugs, mechanics not working as intended etc. You all know what you should be doing and what you should not be doing and are clearly bending the rules to suit when it suits.
For future reference, any reports of cheating, exploiting etc need to be proven and a post on the forum filled in correctly USING OUR TEMPLATE with cb:time (most importantly) with any supporting video linked in the post. A still image of two ships stuck together proves nothing no matter how much you explain it, there are always two sides.
Any report NOT sticking to above with be ignored moving forward and any intentional wasting of our time will also be punished. Please try to think from our point of view before you post.