Patreon Master Recived missing Master Origin

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> Buyed Master Patreon and Still Missing Master Origin !

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> oOAskaOo

Server? (+ EU or + NA or RE EU or RE NA)
=> RE2 EU

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)

On which Playfield?

Structure Name(s)?

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?

How can we help you now?

do:mo wont work and there is no info in do:info

yeh sos that was me bad :stuck_out_tongue: missread…
when did you donate ?

i’m guessing it has to be done by the higher ups…
Rexxx is ill atm so could take a day or two

master origin is not the same as master patreon. they share names and some benefits, but that is all.

try co:info

that will let you know if patreon is linked properly. if is not linked, sign out of website, visit the supporter page on HWS Connect, click show supporters, sign into when it prompts, fireworks = mission complete

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click on link your patreon account :wink:

(sorry having brain farts all day…)

I Already got Patreon core and the 10k Unlock points just Master Origin wont apper in co:info hmpf

try after the restart :wink: and make sure your patreon is linked :wink:

if you have received the patreon core and 10k unlock points from the NPC at EGS HQ, everything is working properly. what other benefits are you looking for?

The Master Origin that give honored to all Factions

evening… and no it doesn’t these are the perks

You would get 15% off Support packages though

Hi, @oOasKaOo.

As explained above, the Master Patreon tier doesn’t include the Master origin as a benefit. You do however get the perks from the Master origin as long as you’re a patron.
As long as you synced HWS Connect and Patreon, everything should work.

You won’t see you having the Master origin in o:info since it’s technically not a real origin. But you should have global OCD:get, recycling, and the last origin’s benefit that I don’t remember.

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