Patron subscription

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

Patron subscroption money decreased from my bank aacount but it doesnt show in patron page and its not activated

The Dude






activate my patron(hws elite)

u have to link ur account on the supporter page of hws connect. click show patreons and link there. sometimes it doesn’t link if ur already signed into the patreon website. sign out of that 1st, then link on the supporter page. co:info will let u know what options u have once it sees ur linked.

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I f I just had problem with patron perks in the game this would work. But right now even in the patron page it says I dont have a membership. and I had patron for 5 or 6 month till know why this happened now. the issue is not in game its in patron website which got my money but didnt add patron

I see you are listed as Patron in HWS Connect
In patreon I also see you are still active

So I’m not sure what this is about right now.

I can’t see that on my profile but its active so no problem, thanks.

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