Payment of parking

With all due respect, BUT server administration from the tree collapsed with such payment for parking ???! For 5 hours of arrival in the trading area, I was charged 500 000 from the account and another debt of 20 000 000 arrived. Guys this is that for the price? Cleanliness say that would not leave, so on the trade dump such that barely transplanted, despite the huge payment, just people with such nonsense leaves and throws ships. Please reconsider this point and request to correct my balance that 20 000 000 that I would not be able to pay without donata, and doing donation for the administration’s madness would be stupid, it’s easier for the server to change

При всём уважении, НО администрация сервера с дерева рухнула с такой оплатой за парковку???! За 5 часов прибытия в торговой зоне у меня сняли 500 000 со счёта и ещё долг в 20 000 000 прилетело. Ребята это что за цены? Чистота говорите что бы не оставляли, так на торговой свалка такая что еле прогружается не смотря что Огромная оплата, просто народ с такой Глупостью уходит и бросает корабли. Просьба пересмотреть данный момент и просьба исправить мой баланс что 20 000 000 что бы оплатить без доната не реально, а делать донат на сумашествие администрации будет глупостью, проще сервер сменить

2 Serega_Nomad
3 Not a real parking payment
4 To cancel or reduce at least up to 1 000 000 debt (subject to return to the account 500 000) and revise the parking cost on the server

Thanks for the work, successes

When you enter trading area (ECC) there is a CLEAR warning twice, one on space, and one on the planet. Do not stay here during the 9am restart! You even get a DOT DOT signal telling you.
How the tax works is explained at the hws info.

Up to admin to see if you deserve to get the money back, but the warnings are really clear, so blame no one by your self!

If you ment taxes thou.

20mill do sounds a bit harsh

I agree, there are warnings, but the amount is too damaging in the first place for the server, that on a personal example I will only say from this situation that server change is in the order of things, because 20 000 000 any average player will say that this is big money and restore zero balance after such debt without investing real money, this is for two months of playing in the blank. Pay attention to the fact that the number of ships standing in the trade zone has not decreased much as compared to two years ago (on your server at least three wipes were accepted, I’m not active, but it happens), and so this parking fee made only worse, for a month and a half on the server has ceased to reach the people to the limit, I personally think abandoned ships on the trade one of the reasons for this and are thrown more than I’m sure that the owners of the start of such an act were only one receipt of payment for the morning parking (in the same way at the stage throw the game ru up to wipe in the hope that this Error will be omitted). The second point, if you want to keep the shopping area clean, make a penalty planet for which all ships are at 9.00 am, and at 21.00 the first payment is charged not exceeding 1 000 000 (who got under the morning cleaning to be able to pick up the ship from the parking lot before charging), Ships with a debt of 20 000 000 to delete from the server, here’s to you and a kind of cleaning. The third option is payment for parking not more than 200 000, ships with a debt of 1,000,000 to delete from the server without words. Where that is cruel, but at least not as the charge of 20,000,000.

Согласен, есть предупреждения, но сумма слишком губительная во первых для сервера, что на личном примере скажу только из за такой ситуации смена сервера в порядке вещей- потому что 20 000 000 люьой средний игрок скажет что это большие деньги и восстановить нулейвой баланс после такого долга без вложения реальных денег это на два месяца игры в холостую. Обратите сами внимание что количество кораблей стоящих в торговой зоне не так уж и уменьшилось по сравнению с двухлетней давностью (на вашем сервере минимум три вайпа принял, играю не активно, но бывает), так вот такая плата за стоянку сделала только хуже, за полтора месяца на сервере перестало доходить народу до предела, лично считаю брошенные корабли на торговой одна из причин этому и брошены больше чем уверен у владельцев стартом такого поступка были всего лишь одно поступление оплаты за утреннюю парковку (лчно так же на стадии бросить игру до вайпа в надежде что онулируется эта Ошибка). Второй момент, если уж хотите держать в чистоте торговые площади, сделайте штрафную планету на которую перекидываются все корабли находящиеся в 9.00 утра, а в 21.00 начисляется первая оплата не превышающая 1 000 000 (кто попал под утреннюю чистку что бы смог успеть забрать корабль со стоянки до начисления оплаты), Корабли с долгом в 20 000 000 удалять с сервера, вот вам и своеобразная чистка. Третий вариант, это оплата за парковку не больше 200 000, корабли с долгом в 1 000 000 удалять с сервера без слов. Где то жестоко, но по крайней мере не так как начисление 20 000 000.

i see that you are russian… My dream destination for 2019.
But for the server you have to follow the rules.
If Admin can make you at a 0 in dept, i can help you to get some more money, since i have nothing more to use them one! But you have to be careful an follow the rules! They are simple. Easy to follow!

Hello @Serega_Nomad1

before I explain more please click and read here:

This is the preferred way of going to that subject instead of complaining or worse.

Because looking at some details:


You willingly entered the Tax locations, ignoring not only 1 warning but 2 (and the Guide of course)

If you would read the Guide you see this

We have implemented a different Tax system for beginner, taking their playtime into account and sending them messages:

< 15 hours on HWS = no tax
15h - 30h = 50% tax reduction
>= 30h = 100% tax as everyone else

You however played some time on HWS to should know how it works:

The ship you moved to ECC Orbit was not that small

It has big impact on the performance for all other players.
But I see you wanted to put it for sale?
Just put the name “Sale 30m” is not how it works. If you want to sell your ship you fly in the Garage area and type ts:sell:xxx . Then the ship is excluded from taxes.

There is not a single Support package you could buy with real money to get your taxes back or to protect you from taxes.
It is a completely isolated ingame feature you either understand / respect or not.

Because as I said: Taxes are shit if it hits you but they work and keep a playfield smooth and clean. And IF it hits you it is 99% your fault.

I hope you know better now.
Same as for the other player I refunded the tax in exchange for your RP.

Thank you for suggesting help, but I’m not behind this here again touched on this topic. The server is not bad, even without knowing English with pleasure I play here, in my own way. It’s a shame that little things can spoil the game, although with all due respect to the server it’s not critical for me. Thank you again, no offense, but I will refuse your help, I just need to scream until the administration that this payment is only in the minus number of players on the server (just not critical if I’m not screaming, I will come back to play in a year)

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RexXxuS, Thanks for the detailed answer, with respect such work. I think nothing at all personally began this topic. Thank you

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