
I was wondering how payments are being implemented if one does go for a bounty.
Also, who can issue a bounty ? Is it anyone and how does one go about declaring them ?
And then payments : Are we talking about goods, credits, gold ?
I see reputation is mentioned … who holds the score and what exactly comes with reputation points ?
Many questions comes to mind and since i’ve allready have chosen to create a bountyhunter faction with my buddy (DBB), we’re still on a thin line exploring this path.
So basicly i inquire some extended know how .

Hey bigfeet,

yeah the last week was busy in many terms. We really want to push the faction rebalance 2.0 forward. Maybe the reputation points can be implemented as well then.
Basically with eb:info you can also see your RP. As a Bounty Hunter you get RP +1 if you successful did a job. A job can be given by admins (fly to X and kill Y to get reward Z) or by players. The faction rebalance will tell who can give bounties.
The more RP points you have the bigger your reward (can be CR, can be items) will be and of course more difficult jobs you get from admins at least. It will be kind of an own story for Bounty Hunters only (interaction with HWS Connect).
A lot more can be done later really…

Sorry that it takes some time - stay tuned.

Cool. Thanks for the reply so far.
We’ll be keeping an eye out. :wink: