Please erease NA Count in order to EU survive Thanks

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: Main character stuck on Na server. I play mainly on the EU I’m flying in NA = more resources. My ship and my character was killed by a POI station in the farm area. Back to EU impossible.
Player(s) with issue: On EU server impossible to acces to ocd or Auto Miner Commands "Other player on other server…"On the na cb: reset does not work.
Server: EU mainly death on NA
Time (cb:time): EU 9h30 = NA 3h30 am ?
Playfield: Walla am dead na / Bionimi EU = base
Structure Name(s):
Structure ID(s):
**How can we help you now:**¨Please delete = the entire account NA Or transfert it to EU ? For the ghost character stuck on the Na. no longer affects the new character on EU Thank you.

Hello @Papy_Costas

sorry to hear.
Yes, you have to do a CSW back to EU. We can’t transfer everything back. The only thing I did now is teleporting you to the CSW orbit on NA as exception.
That way you can do it yourself.


Thank you very much RexXxus. It works perfectly during 10 sec.= was in my base with my mainly character it was wonderful.
But suddenly am Niv1 and in cross warp with starter bag… lol Np Np I’m going to ask a colleague to pick me up. :slight_smile:it’s great I got my account and I have access again
Thank you very much.

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