Please help get me back to my base at Federation HQ

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> I logged in this evening and was floating in space, so I used the cb:ewarpECC command and got back to a planet with Oxygen. Now I just need a way to get home, back to my base, which is set as my home, but I cannot get the ID from ECC.

Player(s) with issue:
=> Lemansgranprix

=> NA Server

Time (cb:time):
=> na

=> Federation HQ

Structure Name(s):
=> Cafe Loca

Structure ID(s):
=> 30939

How can we help you now:
=> Any chance you can reset me back at my base? Thanks again!


cb:eWarp would have taken you bakc to your last location. But only if the playfield is up again.

I warped you back. Over HWS Connect or in the ingma registry you can see the id of your base.

Thank you so much! I will remember to use cb:eWarp next time!

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