Please replace my backpack, super weird teleport glitch - video attacked

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> Ehmm I’m not quite sure, my HV just teleported into the no guilty POI, my game crashed, and when I loaded back in I was in the POI. I tried to leave (didn’t EGS claim even though it would have turned off all the base turrets because I wasn’t in it fairly) and I was killed by a base turret on my way out. I attached a video of it at the end, I try to video fights in pvp but some are spur of the moment and I don’t get the chance.

Player(s) with issue:
=> WillEatsPie

=> NA

Time (cb:time):
=> Wednesday, July 1st, 2020, 7:16

=> Golden Globe

Structure Name(s):
=> glitched HV was " Valkyrie Mk1 TEMP BTT!! "

Structure ID(s):
=> 2187882

How can we help you now:
=> I’m most concerned with returning the backpack and 1 rp I lost because I was in the no guilty POI (we were able to recover the rest of our backpacks from the fight, so even if I had died in the fight I would have gotten my backpack anyway.) I would love it if this super odd glitch could be fixed but I have no clue how you would accomplish that. Looks like I wasn’t the first to be teleported into the no guilty POI either. Video attached below.


restored your backpack and gave you 1 RP.
Sorry for the issue.

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Interesting :face_with_monocle:


Eleon’s experimental short range blink drive. Further testing may be required…

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It reminds me of a star trek episode where they’re testing an experimental new invisibility drive, but it can also allow you to fly through objects and the last crew using it were poor drivers and materialized in the middle of an asteroid, killing everyone on board. The more I think about that show, the less child oriented it seems…

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Phase cloak device Riker was legally testing with a prior crew. The Pegasus mission I believe. Yes, great episode. Fun fact: this was featured in the final episode of Enterprise with Captain Archer.

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