Pocket PVP Universe

It’s simple : warp drives take 1 or 2 minutes to charge up - and that timer is reset every time your CV takes damage. Not possible to warp out of combat.

Blockquote Like you cannot warp if distance to nearest planet is less than 5000m(6-7-9-10?)
So there will be time for ambushes from neighbor planet and fight running away CV with SV.

No way… The CV is slow enough… Takes forever just to get to a planet after jumping in to a system…

Blockquote It’s simple : warp drives take 1 or 2 minutes to charge up - and that timer is reset every time your CV takes damage. Not possible to warp out of combat.

Like people would play if it took forever to get from system to system? Lets say you are going from your planet to ECC, and it is 4 jumps away… Would take to long time.

Blockquote In terms of CV fights, there needs to be an ability to disable warp.

This i agree to… Try to take out the aft thrusters fast and first =)

That isn’t a bad idea. On this server, you can have the majority of the missions as well.

You can get up to warp speed flying in any direction.

Well then , you have to be 5km from any enemy to warp, something like that instead. The point was that insta-warping out of combat is rubbish, it’s pretty much combat logging with little drama or skill, and this can be easily prevented with a cool new mechanic.

That idea was actually really good =) =) =) =)