======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======
Server: (EU/NA)
Type of Offence Committed: potential tackling
Time/Date of offence: 04/10/2018 05:00
Player/Faction accused: TCB - The Crimson Blade
Player Faction reporting: NSP - New Sparta
What happened? I believe I was tackled in the middle of combat
Why did it happen? I am not sure why they felt the need. I was outnumbered greatly and was getting back into my cockpit after a very strange death. WHen I was trying to pull away I had a lot of trouble due to their ships running into mine.
Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU-7GMyBlYo&feature=youtu.be
The outcome: (Our Verdict, within 24 hours-Check back to see this updated and what action was taken)