Possible Espionage. Is it against the rules?

Possible espionage from ABN. Server:NA Faction being spied on: OP4
I do believe this is against the rules so i would like you to take a look at it and see if anything can be done? Thank you!
Screenshot from Conversation:

link of screenshot if the above^ doesnt work: https://prnt.sc/k3udc0

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Here we are again.
Can you tell us who it is?

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Trolled hard. I never said I or ABN was infiltrating. I said I knew a guy said he was. Please if your gonna report my troll be accurate.

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This was me seeing if I could flip Giraffe and start getting info. Funny enough he is loyal to the people who invaded his base on HW in Season 5.

or is he??? :slight_smile:

You seem to have a thing against Op4.

I’m flattered we are the center of your attention. Guess we are doing something right if you are trying to get us punished one way or another.

This is ya trying to get me punished… So yeah.

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punish both… wtf they talkin to each other as steam friends if they are enemies… :thinking: maybe both are spies!


idk because its a video game? im friends with vandruis and squirrel as well. should i delete them just because i enjoy shooting at them?

Not trying to get you punished bro, but what did you expect me to do? Should I have just not said anything regarding the situation, I was told to make a post cause its against rules. I’ve never been “trolled” when i ran my own faction, i didnt let anyone i dont know in real life to join my faction so im a bit new to the “being trolled” through espionage which i take seriously.

Rex apparently im being “trolled” im not sure what to believe really but Red insists that there isnt a spy and that its propaganda to stir some shit up. I was presented a situation in which i responded accordingly with the knowledge I had. Close the post or investigate it im not really sure. Or talk to Red, hes the faction leader so im not sure where to go from here, sorry for wasting your time cause they wanted to “troll” us?

OK all cards on the table. Don’t know why you made this thread but I’m pretty sure its not going to help you get higher in the ranks trying to throw me under the bus. The only spy I know of in Rebels is ShankingGiraffe himself. He fed me pictures of their bases and after attack damages.

Thats all I know.

https://prnt.sc/k1ghjs most recent one as proof

i told them what i told you that night regarding how many turrets you didnt destroy, nice try though:p

I know them feels.

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