Posting intel on rival factions ok here?

Hi all! thanks for your server! I saw a list of rules for HWS server but didn’t see one for its forums. Is there a restriction on posting information about other factions…military information that may be of use in attacking and locating their assets?

That would depend heavily on the type of information that you plan to release.

For instance, read these rules especially concerning fairplay/sabotage (click the link and read everything).

If you haven’t read every single bit of the guides and rules I would suggest you start there before thinking of posting anything at all.

There’s nothing in there about that unless you join a faction and are giving locations away from inside it (infiltration/sabotage).

Other than that, it is a PVP aspect of the game. I’m not sure it’s been done here yet but I don’t see the issue with it.

heh heh gotta respect your icy logic , state, considering you posted this knowing I owe you damage of some sort in the game. twich, i’ve read the game rules as you suggested. it could be worse i guess, but seems like too many rules. seriously, the game has a bug which allows melee combat between ships? you can gain advantages by ramming? that sounds more like a feature-achieved-by-accident… and i don’t see why they’d ban it. only Pulsar has anything similar and it is crazy fun.

thanks all for the responses.

Ramming is because it is glitchy as heck and a lot of times the players involved crash since it really isn’t implemented in the game.

And yeah I know you were talking about us. Just be careful, I’m not going to rest until I get the backpack you deprived me by combat logging :wink:

That’s a bug and deserves punishment. You only say that because you don’t know what it is.

If a SV makes contact with a CV the CV is instantly stopped in it’s tracks and can’t move one bit. This means a single SV can glitch you out and destroy your ship while you can’t do a thing about it. Totally ban worthy if people are abusing bugs like that.

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