What happened: I was doing the prison break mission and i had made it all the way to the portal, as im teleporting i get killed by a base turret, frustrating but i can still enter and i only had partial health. so i go back in, nudge up and grab backpack, make sure im full health, and try and run into portal. as im in the teleporting screen i hear the turret still shooting and i get killed, then the timer runs out and ive gotten nothing. is there supposed to be a trick to this or is there something wrong here? i went in a couple times to try and get it but couldnt and timer ran out so i ended up losing everything i got inside. Player(s) with issue: qreid021093 Server: EU Time (cb:time): n/a Playfield: Prison Break Mission Structure Name(s): Prison break poi Structure ID(s): Write here How can we help you now: wondering if this is intentianal and theres a trick or if something needs to be changed about it, the mobs/prisonguards are fine, but a base turret is a bit dificult to compete with.
No its when I got to the Stargate to leave the mission I got shot. When I got into the courtyard I saw the turrets and they seemed like they were either for looks/role play, and to make sure that someone only had the option of going through the portal instead of trying to jump the fence and roam about the map or something.
Well the big base turret on top center of the poi aims and shoots, and can kill in just two hits, as you run into the portal to leave in the courtyard. Even when I was quick about running into the teleporter, it kills you anyway while you are in the teleporting/loading screen.
I had not trouble taking out the sentry guns that are on the ground.
The Prison has some ammo boxes. And ammo boxes of alien core POIs get random ammunation filled in.
You were the first poor guy which got the exact ammo filled in the box which fits for that turret there >.<