well Kittiez was being attacked and she made a reasonable attempt at defending herself, there is no reason for that to have been removed simply because someones “feelings” got hurt. Since it seems that a single person is capable of sensoring comments here by having a few of their friends join in flagging, then I felt a bit of turnabout was fairplay. I am sorry that it wasted your time Rexxus, however I do not appologize about coming to the aid of a friend in the only way that I thought was possible.
@RexXxuS now that this entire thread has been hijacked into drama can we get it locked down.
Well, situation cleared, but as you wish.
Bottom line:
I made 2 good changes I think with help of your and others feedback.
The biggest issue are “lagshots” now, which needs probably a new topic.
Notes for that or future topics:
Skyped with Eleon yesterday and technically there are no lagshots, even with 5000 ping, he said.
IF there are nevertheless, proofed like blood on paper, then a reproduction case + clear video is needed to get this fixed “easily”
Getting shot out of a shield is no lagshot but until now even intentional. Wait for the next patch to get this fixed as well.
With the ~50% reduced hitpoints of blocks, lagshots might be called, but in fact, you are really missing damn lot of blocks once the shield is down. Combine this with big blast damage of explosions you get killed naturally. But that is not proofed either yet.
So keep an eye out and please help to find any reproducible issues.
Since the topic title is very lucrative overall, keep it clean, out of any finger pointing / toxicity and let me know whatever feedback is relevant.
Thanks Rexxus. And yes for the good of the whole online PVP and PVE community let’s keep contributing to this discussion with our thoughts and experiences!
I’ll try and get @zappe21 or @Igniter to share their thoughts so far of PVP as well
Best regards
EDIT: Thanks Ranzeth, you too mate! Longtime! Alas i’m no longer active but I do keep in contact with those who are, so I’ll see if I can get them to contribute to the discussion
Will have to at some point. Currently at Uni studying so I’m spending most of my time with my head in my books!
Wiseman, good to see you.
Well get active then
Playfield Lag/Render Range Lag
Seems to provide people with “lag armor”, that is they don’t seem to take damage when shot. Damage seems to catch up once the playfield calms down from PvP.
What is interesting, is the greater the concentration of structures/players seems to increase this lag armor, so if you put down a large concentration of large structures and fight on render range you can purposefully take advantage of said lag.
That’s been around for ages. Not really much anybody can do about it. That’s why there’s playfield limitations and they’ve been reduced multiple times throughout the life of HWS. It’s not as bad now as it used to be.
Agreed, there isn’t much we can do except observe when it happens so we can try to find ways to decrease it. Since 3.0 I’ve seen the limitations come into play, and seen how they impact performance.
With the new engine update, it does indeed seem more stable. That said, there are still huge amounts of render lag.
If we can increase render range to 2km on PvP playfields, that can help with the constant loading and unloading.
We could limit structures/HVs further, but that would impede certain alliances play stayles, so that’s not a good idea.
Other than increasing loading/unloading range, which might increase server lag, not sure what else we can do.