Quant extenders dissapeared in F2 factory

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
CPU extenders disappeared after being placed in F2 factory.
Four quantum and two superior.

I was as often do, activated blueprint with a lot of resorces to dump any components. Did that. Then switched to SV that i wanted to build and a lot of components were missing. Quants, matrixes, bridges and so on.

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)

Server? (+ EU or + NA or RE EU or RE NA)

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
Around 17.30 server time, today 30.11.2024

On which Playfield?
Ayiget Chi

Structure Name(s)?

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?

How can we help you now?
Return CPUs pease

of course this happened, the ress dump bp didn’t had any of the special ress so they get lost when put in factory…it is the way Empyrion works since the bp factory was introduced…

a good dump bp should have at least 1 of each ress in their list for nothing to get lost, including special RE2 ress

In short, you didn’t pay attention and your stuff got lost, no game error…just bad coding from game devs…

Hey, @Lex69.

Unfortunately there’s nothing we can do to help here. If you didn’t get the entire worth of your components, it’s either a game problem or a scenario one, but we don’t have logs over either in this case :grimacing:
Also, it’s likely that you got some of the value, but not the entirety, meaning we’d be partially duplicating your items by returning them.

Sure it cant be helped if its not logged. Guess one more bug to remember, will just farm em back. Thx for looking

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