Questlog is bugged

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> My questlog seems to be bugged

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> Steam Community :: Ban Tier

Server? (+ EU or + NA or RE EU or RE NA)
=> RE EU

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> After XMas

On which Playfield?
=> n/a

Structure Name(s)?
=> n/a

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?
=> n/a

How can we help you now?
=> Good question, if possible, mark “Main Story - Stage Prologue” as finishes and reactivate Chapter 1
Same applies to UCH Quest, Survey Akpha System is marked as finished but Survey Galaxy is not rewarded
Not sure about Polaris Questline, but I think it should also be active already due to progress in Main Story Missions


Hey, @Ban_Tier.

What does “bugged” mean? What exactly is your problem? :slight_smile:

Some quests stages, that I finished before, were somehow resetted and the next quest stage, which is normally rewarded by finnishing the previous stage, is already kind of activated. When I try to finish the previous quest stage, I run into errors.
I.e. Main Story quest Pologue task Visit the Bridge stucks, because when I speak to the Captian, I do not get missions (following stage Chapter 1) because I did already get it. But I cannot play this stage, because the previous stage is not finished …
Or all my Polaris quest are gone, but I cannot replay the Main Story Missions

Can you please take a screenshot of your PDA, with the relevant missions expanded, and send it here? :slight_smile:

Polaris should have been given:

UHC should have been given:

Main Story Quest can not be finished, because it was finished before:

Multiple Picture upload did not work, here is Polaris picture:

And UHC picture:

To unlock the “Survey Galaxy - Habitable Systems”, you must first complete the “Make Contact with Terran Forces”.
If you had problems finishing that one on the bridge, it’s because it can only be completed outside the starter systems due to a bug.

The “Survey Alpha System” doesn’t unlock any new missions for you.

Nope the problem is, that I did already finish these questlines and the following quest-lines were already awarded. You can see this status on all of my three pictures. Especially the fact, that I can not do any Polaris quest is a show stopper for me.

The “Visit Bridge” is incomplete in your screenshot.

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This picture is not about the Problem with the UCH quest, here are marked the chapter in the Main Story Missions which SHOULD open the polaris questline IIRC.

Unfortunately it was not possible to upload three pictures in one post, I saw this problem and did sent the other 2 picture in seperate replies. So we have three different problems:

1.) UHC Quest:
I finished the Suryvey Alpha System quest, but the Survey Galayxy - Habitabble System is no longer rewarded. And it was rewarded beforehand …

2.) Project Eden Main Quest is stuck because of the visit the bridge part, which was also done before. But I will try to find a UHC ship outside the starter system as suggested by you. It would save me time, if you could give me the name of a system with an UHC Reaseach Vessel.

3.) Polaris Questline did not start, it should have been opened after finishing Chapter 3 of the Main Story Line, if I remeber correctly.

If there are no “cheat codes” available to set the questlog in a correct state, we should maybe consider to delete my char and start it from the beginning. But it would be nice, if my CV and SV could be transferred to my new char. I am fine with doing the questlines again, but I do not want to recycle my ship and my stuff gathered so far for the new char. I would come to Akua to the Antenna, where the new char will land to transfer the ships.
My ship ids are:
386494 and

a cb:reset will allow u to start over again but the most of the available missions unlock after completing “Make contact with the Terran Forces” mission. that specific mission is known to be bugged at the moment and will not complete inside a starter systems. hop on a teleporter and jump to any other UCH Research Vessel within range to complete that quest before proceeding with a reset that could possibly get u stuck right back in the same pitfall.

There’s no reset to start over with a cb:reset in this case :slight_smile: You also don’t need “cheat codes”.

The quest “Make Contact with Terrain Forces” unlocks the “Survey Galaxy - Habitable Systems”. You didn’t finish the quest yet, as the step Visit Bridge is not completed.
Also for your info, it can only be completed outside the starter systems due to a bug.

Correct. For that, you must first complete the prologue, as described above :slight_smile:

Your entire problem here, is that you didn’t finish the “Visit Bridge” mission, which can only be completed outside the starter systems. Once that is done, all your problems will be fixed basically.

I am really tired, you can close this ticket.

The problem with visit the bridge is part of the REFORGED EDEN Main Story quest line and has NOTHING to do with the polaris questline of the main game. Here is a screenshot that shows clearly, that I did finish the Chapter, but Polaris Quest line ist not rewarded:

I was talking about cheat codes for correction my questlog and not for resetting my char. I am well aware of the cb:reset function, because I played several seasons of HWS RE and my total time in Empyrion is more than 1700 hours. Such “cheat codes” do i.e. exist in Bethesda Games to correct stucked quests.

But as said, I am tired of repeating myself over and over again, just close the ticket. I will stop playing for the moment.

not sure if you’re aware, but this is far from a Bethesda caliber game developer here. you can’t compare what exists in other platforms here. especially “cheat codes”

I guess you know how we feel. The rest of the available quests are unlocked once you finish the meet the tarren forces mission. but good luck in the future not paying attention to simple directions :woman_shrugging: