Rat demands!

If you guys have noticed there has been no Rat presence on HWS. Thats because we have been playing on another server. A server that has OP, no anti grieving(yes dig your hearts delight) and is PVP only. I am not here to advertise another server but to point out what makes it better.

This is what Rat wants before we return

(1) Offline Protection. People build bases now, we have a huge base, been attacked many times and never taken because we are there. You say “but people will combat log” . The rule on the server we are playing on is that if someone combat logs and you have video proof of them combat logging the admin will turn there OP off or even give you their stuff. It is working well on this other server.

(2) No anti grieving distance!! Why can’t we just be able to drill and use our camera drones all the way up to the targeted base.

(3) 7 day time limit on OP prefer 2 day time limit but 7 is acceptable I mean people do go on vacations ya know.

(4) PVP Only. We like to fight !!! Nuff said

(5) OCD stop restricting soo much, used to be fun when ya first brought it out.

(6) Stop listening and catering to the cry babies.

This is what we want, we like it, it keeps the game fun. Heck all of this was the norm on HWS a few years ago.

Plus the OP allows players to build bases anywhere and everywhere. This spreads battles out across the server and results in less lag and more fun. Granted we did have a lag fest the othernite but hey the game is still alpha and yes we maxed the number of cores and then some. Still most of the battles have been really fun

Thank You,



Usually making blanket demands, gets you nowhere, lol.

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Have you seen the results of recent survey? I doubt much will be changing anytime soon since it appears most people are quite happy with how things are now. Therefor your “demands” seem quite far fetched and unlikely to happen. I don’t knock you for trying though!

Sadly many people are leaving HWS since they afraid to activate OP and is doing the PVE way which will attract many new people but lose as much veteran players.
Thats why the forum has become so toxic lately since we got clueless people who dosent know how to pvp.


In other words, “Do what WE want, not what a bunch of other people want.” I’m not sure what you thought the point of posting this was. I guess you think your presence is so missed that the admins are dying to change the fundamental structure of the entire server just so your faction comes back? Ok…

The forums have been toxic lately because a number of “vets” think their opinion is like gold and treat others like they’re idiots or as though they shouldn’t have a vote because “I have 1000 hours played” or whatever. “I was around in X.X, I know what PvP should be like” or “I never used to have this problem”. They seem to think that any change that they view as negative is a personal attack and hold “leaving the server” or the idea that “people will leave” over the admin’s head like it’s any sort of punishment to them… Then it devolves into a pathetic pissing match between the “Git Gud” crowd.

I’m probably not helping, and for that I apologize. But YOU - you and any chump that acts like this game is their livelihood and they are GODS among us are the reason the forums have been toxic… “Afraid” to activate OP… What a moronic statement.


Always some PVE’r gotta open their liberal trap of mouth. Anyway my point of that part of the post is aimed at Rexxus. It refers to the many times rules we imposed do to certain things that we did such as drilling to peoples bases when the game clearly allows this.

I see you must be a new guy , never heard of you before and probably have no clue about how kool HWS was 2 years ago. HWS has lost its kool, the fun at HWS is no more. People like to fight us, its fun and because of that several former HWS are now playing with us on another server.

So why don’t we just stay on the other server? Well we really do like HWS, we really respect Rexxus , even though he has been hard on us, we like that he is smart, knows how to keep the server running well, plus we just have good history here. We just want it back to the old days when it was fun thats all.

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hehe have the pve carebears started making alt forum accounts to troll around now aswell.

“Never heard of you before” and “Always some PVE’r”/“Liberal trap of a mouth” seem to be contradicting statements. You don’t know shit about me. I form my opinions based on fact and evidence. I PvP as much as I’d like - I don’t even know how/why a person would ONLY PvE on this server. Play single player if you want to do that (my opinion). Clearly, though, the admins would like to allow people who want to play that way to do so. As a logical human being, observing the evidence, I come to the conclusion that they aren’t going to make changes based on a few people’s/faction’s very loud and repeatedly posted opinions and screw over another, considerably larger and less vocal portion of the server. I may not agree with 100% of every change made, but I realize (again, as a logical human being) that they aren’t doing this just for Whataboutsmee… They have a bigger picture to worry about. It blows my mind that people don’t seem to understand that.

If I do disagree with changes enough to post about it, I would try to make sure my displeasure is voiced with respect - something that is severely lacking in a lot of these “PvP is dead” posts.

In writing this, I see Mattcore37k thinks I’m Mcprouty. I am not… There are, in fact, multiple people who enjoy pointing out your gross lack of tact and intellect, Matt. Thanks, though.


We had some good fights RAT… you can still eat _______________ hahahahahahhaa.

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As long as this game is in alpha and no better solution is found, it is necessary to allow combat log on servers in my opinion. I am not talking about combat log while being in bases, but preventing yourself from being stranded on a planet without fuel, and without blue crystals . The game mechanics combined with PvP at the moment allows the player to be totally stuck in the game. If a player is stranded and the playfield is not providing the ressources to leave, it can only be solved with a reset or another player helping you out, what in some circumstances won’t happen and will result in a player stop playing (at least for the moment). How fun is this?
So to punish combat log by taking away the player’s stuff will at some point mean that you force players into resetting their account or leaving the server. That might be the case especially for new players and does not seem to be well thought. I don’t like this concept at all. I like how it is on HWS now.

I don’t understand. Worst case scenario: at all times you can respawn back on starter planet, right? We should all have blueprints ready in our factories at all times. All you would need to collect is enough fuel and pentax to get you to ECC where you can access your OCD. Annoying perhaps, but you’re not stranded. This is one of the reasons why I think it would be better if you could access your OCD from starter planets. It would also allow your to get off the planet quicker after wipe. I’m new here though so perhaps there’s a good reason why you can’t do that.

The more relevant point is I don’t know how this would happen under normal circumstances? Set your home location appropriately and you can always spawn there?

Several of the factions earn RP almost exclusively by getting kills. Denying the kill by combat logging is bad sportsmanship and against the spirit of HWS’ RP system. I’m definitely in favour of combat logging being against the rules until such time that it’s prevented by the game itself.

I was talking about servers in general and was referring to the first post. I played on several servers before and on no one you were able to reset without the help of an admin.

Yes, thanks to HWS you can type cb:reset at all times and would then spawn on the starter planet again. Since OCD is not available there that can be a time consuming option as well and not be satisfying.

In a worst case scenario you could have no fuel or pentaxid available on the playfield or not the tools to gather them, after being looted. So if you spawn a BP from your factory, that would not help.
On HWS you can then use your faction supply if available or refer to the above method, but on other servers you might be really stuck in that situation without the help of someone else.

What I say is that combat log might be in some situations the only way to save your stuff from your inventory that you need to leave the playfield after a fight. Therefore, it seems not to be reasonable for me to punish combat log.

I just checked your profile and it seems like you’re a new’ish player to HWS like me? Sorry, I assumed because you have a profile picture that maybe you had been around for longer ;D. And sorry for the long post here but I really disagree with combat logging… hopefully one of us can convince the other to see things differently :smiley:

So if you’re new to the server, first of all do you know about the ‘home’ checkbox in the ‘P’ menu? Check it and you’ll have the option of spawning there when you die. Be careful to mark the checkbox again if you die as that resets it, I believe.

Secondly, you don’t need to use cb:reset to spawn on starter planet… when you die just choose “fresh start” or whatever it’s called. I could be wrong as I’ve never used it, but that is my understanding of it. If you type cb:reset I believe you lose all your levels, so choosing “fresh start” [I know, misleading title if it does what I think it does] is the better option if you’re stranded in space.

I believe promethium meteorites spawn on all of the starter planets and there are pentaxid asteroids in starter space. I believe some planets also have promethium deposits / pentaxid meteorites / small blue crystals on the ground or under water where you can get small amounts promethium and pentaxid.

To summarise: if I found myself in a situation where I was stranded, I would choose “fresh start”, spawn a HV and mine meteorites until a promethium one spawns or I find enough crystals on the ground, spawn a warp sled and fly to space, find and mine a pentaxid meteorite, warp to ECC and get whatever I need from my OCD. However, I would probably avoid all of that by making a safe base somewhere and marking it as my ‘home’ location; if I hadn’t done that I’d probably put a message out to one of my faction members / global chat and ask if someone wouldn’t mind picking me up for a small reward.

In terms of being stranded on starter without tools, I believe you spawn with a T1 drill etc, basically everything you need to get yourself off the planet. I think looting backpacks on starter planets it against the rules? I’m not sure. But if you found yourself without anything and stuck on starter just ask in global chat and someone will help you. When I just joined the server @WhizZLe flew past me, stopped and handed me a T2 drill and 25 drill charges (WhizZLe I specifically wrote that down so I could remember to pay you back one of these days ;)). People here in general are very friendly and will help you if you ask in global chat / discord / the forums.

I agree, any of those options are more effort than combat logging. But on HWS several factions have to kill the other player to earn RP. Bearing all that in mind, wouldn’t you agree with Zip’s suggestion that combat logging be against the rules?

Combat logging isn’t always an option, especially when all you need to do is leave a friendly HV with turrets nearby. It gets the same results.

And I really want to reiterate that there be no anti grieving distance. The server I was playing just added anti grieving and I am now not playing Empyrion until I find a new server. That is how I want to play this game, it gives me a headache not to be able to use a camera drone when I am near an enemy base. WTF.

Just time to look for a new game I guess.

Yes I’m very new to the server, just started after the wipe at the beginning of season 6.

One option I did not see clearly was the option to build a base on a pve playfield where you could spawn in case everything goes wrong. I now got one that is not set as home spawn, but when i died on another planet in another system a few days ago I could have selected it to spawn there. So that would solve the problem of not to know how to get home after being stranded.

Anyway, I am still not sure about the combat log question. I have to admit that it would be reasonable to force people not to combat log when it comes to RP. But from another point of view you have to see that this might be a very hard rule for a beginner who got his backpack full of stuff that he cannot afford to lose. So at least one person will be very frustrated here, either the one who is not getting RP or the other guy who is losing his stuff. If the attacker wants that RP so badly, he could camp where his victim died or leave a vessel there, so the player who logged out gets shot once he comes back. So there are other methods to handle this than server rules. If you have nothing to lose you will probably not combat log and let your opponent kill you. As long as there are legit reasons to combat log I think I would not punish it and let the players handle it by themselves…

In this universe there’s no reason to leave PVE before you’re ready for PVP… and only carrying with you what you can afford to lose is a basic tenet of Empyrion PVP. I doubt anyone that doesn’t realise that knows enough about the game to realise combat logging exists.

I could be wrong but I think you only get the RP if it’s a manual fire weapon that gets the kill… or perhaps only if you’re in the cockpit… so I think I would get zero RP if I left an HV to kill a combat logger while I went off somewhere else. Not only that but if you leave stuff in a semi-busy playfield then it’s quite likely to be found and destroyed before the combat logger returns.

I’m still not sure I see any good reasons to combat log :confused:

You have to go into PvP to get ready for PvP. Happend to myself. I needed Iron for a new ship (combat steel is very expensive). Lost about 15k Iron Ore and my crappy PvE ship, when I was farming on a PvP planet. I could have saved the ore with combat log. At that point, losing my ship + 15K iron ore was a heavy loss for me.
Also you don’t get Erestrum and Zascosium in PvE or on starters. But you need it to build all weapons…

So there a several situations where a beginner will move into a PvP system while not having the same equipment that other players in that system propably have, especially PvPers. These guy would say that it is definetly unfair if you are forced to die by the server rules in such a situation. If you make the game too difficult for beginners and support veterans only, there won’t be coming new players to the server.
Prohibiting combat log is good for those who are already established on the server and bad for those who are trying to get to that point. Both player groups have legit interests, both player groups are important for the server community and so both should be treated equally.