Re: stargate-missions-feedback-bugs

Apparently – I can wait for days / weeks for a reply, but once you reply, the ticket closes in 24hrs.
This is in response to support message: Stargate Missions Feedback/bugs - #18 by RexXxuS

My feedback on trying to stop non stop farming, make a unique reward token per stargate mission so a player can do all the missions in a day and have fun doing your content. Instead of having tokens piling up and having to give them away to players.

Players in my faction are sitting with messages that there are 30+ days till they can turn in the next token, even after the changes being applied to the dialogues.

This auto close in 24 hours is obnoxious.

Regarding the conversation from:

none of us are trying to play via epic

I started the season with steam, and we are all steam players for alien asylum.

Very confusing having the days be so off for all of us, I gave up, stopped bothering with them and the other portal missions. Went out and started trying other things.

48 hours actually.
Rex replied on November 3rd 20:03. The ticket closed November 5th 20:10.

same difference

These are the settings of this Support Category:

Note: this is a support category.
Which means tickets are created by players who have (urgent) problems we need to (urgent) resolve.

You posted feedback here, which should go rather in this category:

Let me move it…

What is the difference to our system?
Why shouldn’t players abuse your system too and just have more Tokens in the end?

As I said, this should have been fixed by now.
Can those players please make a ticket, so I can check their ID = Database entry?

The broken messages -

Lucifur: Steam ID: 76561197963379341
said he’s at the point the messages for tokens say 40+ days.

Unique reward token for each mission:
I walk in to ECC HQ do all the missions and I can only turn in 5 tokens? easy medium hard insane special tokens and I’m left with excess tokens I now can’t do anything with.

If those tokens were mission specific, you could turn in one token per mission a day. Seems really limited to do every medium mission, get a handful of medium tokens, and only have 1 token to turn in

Note: this is was a continuation of support ticket that closed prematurely by the system, If i as a user could of reopened the ticket, I would not have needed to create a new, more feedback focused ticket.

Bump @RexXxuS

on subject of mission timers being wrong, here is another example of the Alien Asylum as previously reported,
it still will not let me claim my 2nd alien core for the season.

I have done the this portal mission weekly / daily helping people get their cores, yet I cannot get mine.
I did this mission in the first 5 days of the season yet everytime after my 30 day refresh period it refuses to give me my 2nd core, giving me random time messages not based on my original completion time.

this is from tonight’s completion… way over 40 days since I first completed it this season.

Again, what is the difference?
You have a token that is mission specific but a player is doing it more than once per day, you pile up those tokens as well.
I read just a suggestion to fine balance each individual mission which I can do if I got plenty of time left but overall does not change the core mechanic and is indeed very time consuming and nightmare to maintain in the long run.

Regarding Alien Asylum:
the cooldown is 30 days, if you completed it.
The Alien Asylum is a Coop Mission where you have to make sure where and how you completed it. If you say you “helped” others, this could be your reason why it is failing. I’m not 100% sure how you run the mission, so I can’t give you a precise answer either.
All I can say is that this logic is very old and it always worked before.

Regarding Alien Asylum:
nothing different than the rest of the faction members
some of us had buggy timers, some of us didn’t

walk in, run&gun through mission, talk to guy at end and get alien core or get told how long we have.

When I went there when my 30 days were up, it was saying 17+ days.

it’s been almost 2 months before it opened up for me since running that at the start of the season.

Well I assume its opened, when I ran it last week it still said I had 2+ days to go.
Yet people I ran with at start of season had theirs open up at the expected 30 day mark.

If you have no idea what’s going on with it, I really don’t have an idea of whats going on with it.
I ran it a few days ago to again be told I wasn’t eligible for my reward despite it being almost 2 months now.

Regarding stargate tokens,

As a player, I want to run missions and get rewards daily.
As you have it now, I run missions and reward tokens pile up because i can only turn 5 tokens(1 of each) daily yet can recieve 25+ tokens daily.
Having the tokens pile up is not rewarding or a fun experience.

I do medium mission XYZ at 5pm, I get a medium token and turn in and feel rewarded.
I do medium mission ABC at 6pm, I get a medium token and cannot turn in, I feel unrewarded.
I do further different missions through out the day getting more and more medium tokens I can’t do anything with. Why keep playing now. I don’t need to play to get rewards tomorrow, I can just log in, turn a token in and get rewards.

Idea 1: Move the restriction to the NPC that gives the token:
I do medium mission XYZ at 5pm, my medium token timer begins.
I do medium mission ABC at 6pm, I’m told I have 23 hours till I can be rewarded a medium token.
I redo the missions throughout the day, I now get a message from the token handout npc, telling me to please wait ##:## hours before I can claim a medium reward token.
“We hope you enjoyed doing this medium mission again, please wait ##:## to claim a medium token again.”

Idea 2: Move the restriction to the NPC that gives the token AND make each mission have it’s own reward token:
I complete medium mission XYZ at 5pm, my 24hr XYZ mission token timer starts, I get an XYZ mission token, I turn it in and feel rewarded.
I complete medium mission ABC at 6pm, my 24hr ABC mission token timer starts, I get an ABC mission token, I turn it in and feel rewarded.
I redo the medium missions throughout the day, I now get a message from the token handout npc, telling me to please wait ##:## hours before I can claim this missions reward token again.
“We hope you enjoyed doing this mission again, please wait ##:## to claim a token again.”

My faction has players that help others do the missions as well as do them for themselves multiple times a day, they have cargo boxes full of tokens and they are just giving them away to people because they are piling up.

Overall the ideas are so that a player doesn’t sit there doing multiple missions a day having reward tokens pile up they can’t turn in.

as a former very heavy mission runner, I can agree with almost everything here. putting a cap on the amount of times we can run a mission hurts. putting a cap on how much we can collect from these missions hurts. pretty much all missions are not nearly as fun as they were long ago require a lot more hoops to receive their “rewards.”

I guess a lot of that is my fault for speedrunning them and posting tutorial videos, but that was bound to happen eventually…

I guess, HWS missions are now more “in line with the spirit of the scenario” than ever :pensive:

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