Recon on guild ABN

EndThe Fed4 - I’m with ya against ABN. I’m minding my own business mining and I saw a single ABN ship outside my weapon range. I had no beef with him/her and kept to myself. Next thing I know, I’m being jumped by 4 of them. I lost a lot of hard mining time and trying to understand how the game works on this server. I no longer have a desire to enjoy the game on HWS unless it involves killing, stealing, and anything else I can do to ABN! I’m with you on their total destruction on NA!

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well the objective isn’t to destroy the faction and there isn’t a reason to be angry with them, it’s just game retaliation for game damage. but thank you vengeance… send me any recon or intel you gather on them if you wish. locations on any static object or structure of theirs in pvp areas. sometimes posting it here is better but of course they see that.

It’s just really irritating they took over a million in credits (gold ore) and my epic drill. Whether PvP zone or not, it was an unprovoked attack with no honor. And they tell me “Thank you for your contribution” after they take everything. Most of the PvP I see happening on this server are coordinated engagements when both players are online. Not 4-on-1 ganking.

Anyways, my ships are all too big for Homeworld and other PvP zones. Which to me is weird considering that it now appears PvP zones are unruly without gentlemen agreements. I’m revamping my ships so I don’t get any more size warnings from the server. Once I can get out there I’ll pass on what I can find.

In retaliation for an ABN player gangking me as my pod first landed this season, I have captured and secured what I believe to be an ABN ship. The capture ocurred on Pirate Journey. if i have captured your ship by accident, please contact me and provide evidence; i’m open to compensating you or returning the ship if i don’t scrap it. note that i don’t log into hws all that often.

Update: I’ve captured and salvaged a second probably-ABN ship also on Pirate Journey. same drill, let me know if i got yours by mistake.
Additionally i have scouted an ABN base at +1200 x +1700 on Pirate Journey…but it may not be worth your time to visit even if you’re at war with them and allowed on the planet. it’s one of those underground hidden core thingies where you can’t easily find any pieces of the base . for now there appears to be no base of any size within 50 meters of its official location on the map…and by that i mean 50 meters in all directions including down. I have scouted the whole planet somewhat thoroughly on july 9 and found no other abn presence.

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Fed…As recently as yesterday I saw some A.B.N. members in a playfield called " Safe Space "…they were building amazing things and laughing…they seemed to be having a lot of fun…Also… I heard a rumor in an old space bar that at times A.B.N. members go to a place called " Safe Planet " and discuss their feelings there…I hope this helps with the Cause…

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That’s odd, I found 5 of their bases on starter yesterday, one in space next to the thingy by asteroid belt, 3 on the planet and another on moon. I believe your recon may be flawed and needs more discipline in its ranks.

I’m just referring to pirate journey . the stuff in space and on pirate tutorial is all in pve. but i did miss some areas. do you have coordinates you can give us for the bases on pirate journey planet?

in continued but limited retalitaion against ABN’s attack on me as i first landed in my pod this
season, i have captured and salvaged the abn base which was apparently being used to torment players
as they fist landed in their pods on on planet “pirate journey”. having also captured and salvaged two vessels belived to be of ABN origin , the point has now been reached where sufficient vengeance has been inflicted.
more warfare against ABN would be excessive at this point. So RSS (the rescue service) now concludes its hostility with guild ABN and returns to a state of friendly neutrality with all its members…all players on the server in fact…until attacked without permission.

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oh thank god. I can sleep easy now


Can I have permission please to attack your stuffs?