Recycled ship returning incomplete components

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

I recycled my old miner CV ship at the EGS Orbital recycler, and all I got was a small handful of blocks put into my OCD. There was no loot dropped, lots of room in my inventory, and I was connected to a ship to store it all. It looks like many, possibly all? of the steel and heavy steel is in my OCD but none of the components are

Player(s) with issue? Phandros is my steam name, in game it’s Daybreak

Server? RE NA

When did it happen? Monday July 4 19:35 ish

On which playfield? in orbit about ECC

Structure Name(s)? Miner 49’er

Structure ID(s) 1734219

How can we help you now? retrieval of the components would be nice, but mostly I’m more concerned that this is not working as intended. I can take it apart manually if made complete in my blueprints, but I thought I’d try the recycler since I was going to ECC

Hi, you misunderstood how EGS Recycle works.
Only EGS Recycle level 5 get devices. Everything below results in you getting only X percent of the blocks.

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<Dr.Strange> The warnings really should come at the beginning of the spell, not the end :smiley: </Dr.Strange>

Okay, thanks

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