RED abusing Eton event

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:

RED abusing Eton event, it just started and they rapidly capture the Metropolis tower (probably one player disconnected near core position, enter game now and just shot the core)

Player(s) with issue:

RED faction



Time (cb:time):

31 march 18:56



Structure Name(s):


How can we help you now:

Punish them good for cheating, abusing and for not fair gameplay

The event starts at 18:00 / 6PM. That’s an hour after it started? I’m pretty sure they did not cheat, and please in the future make a ticket and ask, before accusing them of cheating. Let’s keep the community friendly :slight_smile:

yeap, seems like timezone error, it always was +2 to your time, now its +1.
ok, sorry than :smiley:


np friends and im happy it got fix :wink:

HWS rules part 6:

We do not, however, engage in drama or personal disputes that do not violate / involve the rules.
•If you frivolously make claims and accusations which prove to be false, you will be punished.

IceDrugg - violate the rules. And must take punishment.

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Не БОРЗЕЙТЕ, вы хотите что бы я начал во время боёв вести видео записи?! За ближайшие два дня я мог троих из вашей фракции отправить с венечком в баню за использование запрещенных на сервере методов боя. Так что если у вас кишка тонка втроём одного пвешника ЧЕСТНО убить в бою, значит ваша кишка не на что НЕ способна как НЫТЬ и обвинять НЕ по делу.

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Relax, it was because of time shift issue, we don’t live in Germany and we have no idea when you need to shift clocks. We are sorry for that mistake.

nomad, go learn english, nobody understands you here.

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