OK, i got the impression that SE had MP available.
Haven’t played SE in a long time, SP got boring pretty fast.
It’s more interesting playing survival games with friends, SE just never felt like a “survival game” to me.
I guess we will see where they go with their MP, another survival game or something new.
Hopefully if SE gets good MP @RexXxuS might create a server. To be honest we are very spoilt here. So many games don’t have great server owners. Here Rexxxus and team are amazing.
It did for years but it is unplayable and servers can not keep up (crash a lot, memory leaks and players intentionally crashing server, admins required 24/7, weekly update that breaks all server mods, etc.) Multiplayer in SE was horror. SP indeed was fine.
[quote=“Gunslinger, post:24, topic:2764”]
o many games don’t have great server owners
[/quote]SE had a server like HWS also with lots and lots of custom code. But the admins ‘ragequit’ after ~2 years because the devs didn’t do anything for servers/multiplayer. Imagine getting this PM every hour: “Admin! Server crashed” “Admin! Hacker who disabled anti cheat” “Admin! someone is about to crash server” “Admin! My ship exploded for the 6th time this hour, can I have it back?” “Admin, mods broke because of patch/hotfix again today!” “Admin! All constructors are no longer working for weeks… How to build anything?” You get the idea…
I also remember that filesize for the SE galaxy went up by 20-50GB a DAY… Was no option to shrink it back then so admins had to do this all manually and code their own stuff.
But SE did one thing right for MP at some point: open source.
SP: SE wins hands down
MP: Empyrion wins hands down
Most potential for v1.0: SE
I was working on a epic space station for 5.0, something along the lines of 2 million iron. Already have more than enough iron farmed. With 20k iron limit, i guess i need to aim smaller =)
How glad we can be that our Empyrion Devs really care and listen (as far as they can and time allows of course).
We hope and are quite sure that they will also continually do so, since Rex and me are now officially working with Eleon to fill exactly that need: Features that the players want and help for Server-Owners by fixing the most devastating bugs, Tools for Admins and on the other hand possibilities to enhance the Game from the outside.
Lol that’s sods law for you, my net wet down last night and thought never mind if the wipe of starter claims auxilio as 5.0 will claim it anyways but 5.0 isn’t dropping today lol ahh well never mind.
Never played SE but EGS has pretty much everything I was looking for in a game the only thing missing is the odd rotten bag of flesh to fire a nice sharp arrow into its head but EGS isn’t really that kinda game lol. So safe to say my vote went on EGS
I was gonna offer it up for new players to salvage but the wipe of the milky way will have claimed it, think I’ll be in creative tonight tweaking it for once 5.0 hits ty anyways tho