Meanwhile I try to sum up the problem from my perspective. There’s quite a lot of messages piled up by now.
In the morning I had to pay two taxes at 9:01. I have checked their values and they are correct. After paying those taxes I am left at 83,209,613 cr. For the next two transactions let’s focus on the before and after -values.
At 9:02 comes the daily interest, 2,500,000 credits. 83,209,613+2,500,000 = 85,709,613. Hooray, Interest completed, the account balance after interest is 85,709,613.
A portion of faction member’s tax had piled up to player named Hydra. At 10:28 I transferred him credits so that he would not become debted. Let’s move on to that transaction that mystically ate away the 2,5m interest.
Now, you can already see that the Before-value at 10:28 is different from the After-value of previous transaction. On all other occasions the Before-value of next row is ALWAYS the same as the After-value of previous row. This is not the case at the 10:28 transaction.
Something has turned 85709613 back to 83209613 which is exactly 2,500,000 credits smaller value. From that smaller value I made the transfer to Hydra’s account and it was processed normally. From this point on the After-value and Before-value go correctly until the end of the log.
Other way to check this: If I have 85,7m cr after interest at 9:02 then how come the account balance is over 4 million cr smaller (81m cr) after the Hydra transaction which, according to Rexxus above, was just 2,16 million?
Based on these values I would like to request the missing interest to be added to my account.