Reverting Stack Sizes to 7.0

Hi Folks.

One of the problems with 8.0 is that it messed up stack sizes. A ‘Stack’ is an amount which covers a single ‘slot’ in your inventory.

So in the old days 999 constructors would equal ONE stack and ONE SLOT.

Now every 1 constructor is ONE STACK and ONE SLOT.

So instead of having roughly 35,000 constructors in my inv (such as when spawning or building). I can only have a maximum of 35 constructors in the inventory.

This is going to be an ENORMOUS issue when it comes to spawning ships for both US and the Russian Alliances. Please can we have this fixed to the old Stack count of (999)? Same with SV thrusters and Gens and Fuel tanks if possible for when recycling.

Best regards

There are plenty more oddities. If you get 135mm H-Rockets from the OCD they arrive in stacks of 500 but only 300 per slot fit in your inventory. SV thrusters and stuff like that often can only stack up to 6.

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Yeah those constructor stacks need to be fixed :frowning:

This is another topic for OCD… we would like a nice list of all required changes.

This is something I just adapted from the new config.
I can fix it in our HWS Config I think.
Immersion wise however… especially if Eleon implements soon “Weight” to your Player this needs to be addressed again.
Immersion <> Conveniences is not always best friends.

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999 Stacks - also for Furnaces after the Server restart


How about rubber band stacks? :dollar: :dollar: :dollar:

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@RexXxuS Unfortunately there is still an issue when taking constructors out of the OCD, it takes them out 1 per slot.

Is this fixable?

Thanks in advance,
Best regards,

Constructors, Generators, Oxygen tanks, Thrusters - there is alot of stuff that comes in very small stack sizes (usually 6).