Rulebreaking - Tackling

You don’t have to take my word for it, you can take Rex’s words if you wish.

Or you can take the guide,
" 7.1 Do not tackle other ships with your ships! This notion of ‘tackling’ is considered an exploit, and it is an ILLEGAL tactic when used intentionally and frequently to disable or hinder the movement of a vessel.

More info

  • Note : When reporting violations, please include ENTIRE video evidence (Screenshots are not sufficient evidence). Video evidence that you clip not showing the entire fight will not be used. It is on the accuser to provide complete evidence. Please provide timestamps of the REPEATED collisions."

As you can clearly see, as the accuser, the responsibility lies on you to provide evidence of the entire fight. You can also clearly already see that accidental bumps aren’t against the rules for obvious reasons. You have to prove actual intent to tackle, and the provided video doesn’t show that.

So, do you have a longer video that shows intent?