The Strategic Weaponized Operational Response Division is a role play and non-role play faction Based in the upcoming ALPHA 8.0 update. We are a small group of pvpve players going to be based in alliance PVE space(location to be determined) lending add in end game to new players and pvpers in fights and when we star out we plan to explore the best location to set up shop.
atm only few members(faction is new) we wish for new players for mining and pve, and exp. pvpers to join us!
being semi professional, we have a doctrine with CVs for PVP atm building in creative.
we have 4 divisions;
member: this is a PVE player thats new to the faction and only wishes to PVE, meaning do what ever you want.
Builder: as it says, you build everything and mine for the greater good of the whole faction and yourself
Soldier: this goes for pvp and pve,
PVP: you will be piloting out assigned CVs or what ever SV,HV you wish to fight with.
PVE: bring your combat SV,CV or HV for poi bashing.
rules are very limited to give members freedom to play
- do not steal ore, you will be kicked from faction with no warnings
- label everything thats your and ill jot it down in RL so someone is stealing all our stuff ill know
- lock all personal items in boxes with your own pass codes on your own bases/ships
- must speak English but we are international.
- no trolling, griefing, meme trolling, and bullying other players in/outside of faction
- must have a mic and use discord
- must be 17+ years old
me: steam profile
faction discord: SWORD Discord
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I want to learn to empyrion? Can I join?
yes long as you follow the rules anyone 17 years or older can join. join the discord when ever your ready and when im on ill put the right roles on you for chat permissions.
Ok thank you, sorry I’m new to empyrion. What server you on NA or EU?
Well wasting his time isn’t very nice.
I don’t know what habbit it is from NA guys to troll at recruit posts, especially to new people, but it’s respectless and gets a first strike warning from me. On the second strike you are out.
Welcome to HWS @Tactician
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You know me, I just tend to troll but in good fun.
So yes, welcome @Tactician to HWS, I do a bit of trollling, but you may want to clarify what server you intend to play on.
Edit: never mind, I completely missed it in the title. Now I feel like an ass. : )
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ty @RexXxuS im very excited to join soon, id join now on 7.6 but 8.0 is only 1 month off im guessing, if its longer ill opt out of unstable.
@TacoIsland its fine i dont easily offend but im glad the rules are strict about trolling lol.
PSA anyone can join my discord when i fix it up more today and add a bot or 2, i set up a Evoy role i plan to alliance with anyone in Alliance Origin so.
Welcome Tactcian! I’m wiseman from the EU server and a member of the ‘Dwarvean Alliance’ (The Western EU PVP alliance.)
I for one am happy to see another faction appear! Even on NA as our servers can visit one-another through the cross-server warp.
If you have any questions about anything EU based feel free to ask.
Best regards 
…and another EU welcome from me. Love the faction name. Feel free to bring your faction guys over any time if things are too quiet on NA for you 
What about a EU department of the faction 
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Look at all the interest sparked up in your faction!
With the 8.0 changes regarding alliances and OLP be sure to pick them wisely, one errant member and your alliance members lose their OLP bases on PvP planets.
Currently I am primarily pirate, depending on if changes are not made to the current RP distribution for freelancer I may go that route.
It’s never too quiet on NA as someone always wants to challenge my faction or alliance for death, honor, glory or gold.
@Daddystu thank you guys, id be happy to ally in the future we plan to be a small gang like a max of 6 atm our doctrine pvp warships are being made still but plan to use my AEGIS stuff till then anyway, and i look forward to playing 8.0 with you guys in the near future just pop on our discord any time… 
@dQgnflua yes as we said we are international i could and if the servers are connected i could hopefully fly my flsgship Genesis over and help out when the time comes if you want join our discord our bot will put you in a envoy role and just link your discord and we can get talking 
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