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Warping (rather teleporting) across the playfield has happened to me and a friend again today. Its starting to become something we are getting accustomed to. I’ve put a passenger seat on my mini-SV for just such occurrences.

I noted that at the time it was happening to others also based on global chatter. Another point to note is that our usually very smooth planet - Pandora became jittery at the time - like Armageddon. High CPU load? Maybe some background process/scan pushing usage high?

Ya, it is very possible. It is a minor annoyance, until you teleport into a faction’s ships that are NOT allied. Then its game over.

If it was Chuck Norris, it would be game over for the CV.

Seriously though, i wonder if other playfield felt the same universe-quake that seemed centered on

Has anyone tried to reproduce this kind of behavior on a smaller scale on a smaller server with fewer resources to attempt to replicate server load. Not apples to apples, but if a 4 slot server has a ton of bases and ships and you jack it up to 6 slots (hypothetical, no alogrhythm for that to back it up)… wondering if it just normal buggy behavior when it’s under load. Similarly, age - though that would be more tricky.

Its annoying, true…but actually I’m gald about this bug!
Before the same bug caused the ships not to be teleported but beeing destroyed. That was bad, since people lost a lot. So its already getting better ;).
But non the less we want to find it… as Hops said… reproducing would be important, but nearly impossible.

Only way would be to write down everything you remembered.
Time, from where to where, was one of the both Playfields heavy loaded, someone fighting, many players on them… Server CPU usage, Ping, how often does it happen… so getting all the infos together is quite hard and does not guarantee any results…
But its our only chance so far.

If this Happens to often we should open a sepereate thread and list all details we have.

Thanks for keeping us up to date with all those bugs!

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Hallo RexXxuS, bin ins Ausland gefahren udn wollte dort Empyrion spielen, ging leider nicht da mein Laptop nicht gut genug war udn es sehr stark ruckelte, stellte ausserdem fest das meine fertigen Baupläne nicht vorhanden waren, dachte ok, fehlen auf dem Laptop eben. Heute komme ich wieder, starte Spiel und stelle fest das auf meinem PC ebenfalls alle fertigen Baupläne nicht vorhanden sind. Ist das ein Bug?

Gruß Lili

Hey Lili,

das ist kein bug, sondern leider ein Spiel “feature”. Blueprints werden lokal gespeichert aber nur einmal im Spiel gesynced.
Wenn du also den PC wechselt fragt das Spiel nach deinen blueprints. Da du die auf dem Laptop nicht mitkopiert hast, hat das Spiel gedacht “ok, dann sind die wohl weg”. Diese Denke merkt er sich ab dann für immer. Ergo auch auf deinem Haupt PC.

Haben wir vor längerem in die Tipps / FAQ mit aufgeschrieben:

My blueprint didn’t spawn!?
If you start / finished the blueprint on Computer X and you logout and play Empyrion the next time on Computer Y be aware of the blueprint loss because the blueprints are saved locally for the proper Computer (X in this case).

Danke für die rasche Antwort.

Server: HWS NA
Mode: PVP
Location: Comet7
Localized: no
If applicable:
OLD BLUEPRINT: No (created it yesterday)
Reproducibility: Sometimes
Severity: Minor

got only half my BP when it spawned

Spawned in a HV blueprint, but only got about half of it, if even that.
Steps to Reproduce:
I will try again and see what happens.
Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information:
no biggie, was small BP, just for your info.

spawned in ok the second try. But than the green line decided to play with it, and it is hopping all over the planet :stuck_out_tongue:
I just wanted to spawn in a little hv :smiley:

and the first HV respawned on its original spot, the one that spawned only half and I de constructed. It’s back, well the part that I didnt deconstruct earlier… the rest decided to pop up now too.

Which server?

Mode: PVP
Server: HWS NA
Location: Arma Orbit (Scrapyard)
Localized: N/A
OLD BLUEPRINT: No (created today (mar 15)
Reproducibility: will find out after i scrap this and try again…
Severity: if its systemic and chronic (2 reports today) possibly severe.

Summary: Spawned brand new blueprint just created today (ID:32304044) spawned in with a whole wing missing its Blocks (only). All devices are still present in the places they should be, just no blocks there to support them!

Not much more detail to add at this point. I created the blueprint from scratch: a new combat SV. High triangle count (188k) Class 4 SV, 2915 blocks, 0 lights, 249 devices 29x13x39. Max plasma, Pulse Laser, Rail Gun, Homing Missile.

The entire right wing of blocks is sheered off. and not like “unrendered”; i can pass directly through the spaces between the devices.

See Screenies

WIll log out and back in to see if it comes back as it did for @Pear78.

edit: ok, i cannot pass through, and there are rendering issues…

EDIT: Ok, i removed about 87 or so 6-way connectors, slopes & pyramids and poof, the wing came back. Appears to be directly related to triangle count. new triange count: 176986, shaved off approximately 12k triangles. Will start rebuilding to see what happens and when.

EDIT: OK! So it appears as soon as i pass 179000 triangles, it starts derendering blocks. I can repeat this over and over and over and over.

I’ll try doing this with a different blueprint when I get a few hours to build a new one from scratch to pass that triangle limit.

I was able to fine tune it by removing blocks and replacing them with lower triangle counts

But this makes me wonder if tha calcnfor class 4 is allowing too many triangles.

Hop the reason you are at such a high triangle count for such a small ship is because you used rounded slopes instead of just slopes. (second screenshot from the bottom) Simple slopes have the same whitespacing effect, for a fraction of the triangle count.
In general, never have rounded items in combat ships unless you REALLY need them.

Also those RCS’s will chain like crazy. Just saying.

Oh I know why I was at such a high triangle count.

Unfortunately simple slopes do not have the same white space effect from all angles. Only one axis would have white space, the other would meld just like other full blocks.

Anyway, I totally understand the triangles, just the derender point was much lower than I had expected. I was expecting 200k+ to start becoming a problem.

Toying with some new designs and just happen to run into this and nail down a precise number.

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Also yeah, that was the reference I made to realizing some placement errors. I stuck extra rcs in after I threw a layer on and filled in some gaps inadvertently. So there’s a silver lining to the bug!! I saw the chains!

thnks, filled in server too.

Dont think triangle count is affecting this, since it happened with a little simple HV with me? or perhaps with total triangles in view distance?

Interesting. Not sure its “in view” either as i was able to spawn two SV’s whole trying to see if that would cause it to render. No dice, and both SV’s came out whole.

The plot thickens.

Check this out –

I noticed today that it ONLY manifests if i’m adding blocks to the RIGHT SIDE…

Obviously, this SV was made with Symmetry on. Wondering if this has an impact…


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Very nice… is it reproducable every time?

Every single time. Come on by the scrap yard and have a whirl if youlike.