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Location: Homeworld sector (Mission "Resource Hunt)
Localized: No. It was three of us.

Summary: On same mission before, it double checked -“Kill commander”, and -“Destroy Core”.

Description: On same mission before, it double checked -“Kill commander”, and -“Destroy Core”. After that we fly to next mission, but mission did not give us cords.

Server: EU
Location: Homeworld and Stations

There seems to be issue with limits on Homeworld.
Seems like its one base per alliance here instead one base per faction.
So allied factions can not have bases.

About space stations most of fance vendors that say “GOLD” and stuff sell some cans…

I don’t quite understand. It is working, no?


Mistake on my side… I might need to put it on suggestions.
This rule excluding all other alliance member from 10 RP daily i guess.


terrain wiped earlier than mentioned time

In the map preview of Homeworld it states that the terrain wipes daily at 11pm NA .
I logged on at 8pm eastern time and the terrain had wiped and I lost a AM. Please fix the map preview for the planet with correct wipe times

What happened: CV fighting in blackhole and ship completely stopped moving and the screen turned colorful again (reported before in BH in thread here: Game Freeze / Strange happening )
Had to force close game and logged back in to find my ship in the POIs in center of black hole.
Nearly lost the CV and have 5 hour repair time

Player(s) with issue: Calo
Server: HWS NA
Playfield: Black Hole, ~06:05
Structure Name(s): Obsidian
Structure ID(s): 62180

Only the server time is relevant. For everything. Always type cb:time if you don’t know by now we manage our times from the Berlin GMT+2 timezone.

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Thanks for the report. Neither we nor the dev from last time know why this happens. :expressionless:
If it always happen with the same ship, maybe that is the reason?

No, this is a completely different ship this time. I saw someone post elsewhere a screenshot with similar issue but do not remember if it was in the HWS discord or the forum.
The last time this happened I did a full reinstall of the game but this is the 2nd time I have had this happen in combat. If it was just me crashing I would think it is something on my end but the fact that I am logging back with the ship in a whole other location(and always at those center POI in BH) seems strange.

What happened: Minefield POI respawned without the ships
All mines are back, control station as well.
Player(s) with issue: Lirezh
Server: EU
Time (cb:time): now
Playfield: Freelance starter orbit
How can we help you now:
I am going to finally leave starter so it’s not for me but it’s the only NPC place in orbit for the starter planet so it should be fixed.

Minefield in Freelance HQ has a similar problem.

In Freelance HQ an invisible core is present.
AFTER a server restart (if you happen to just be there) most of the POI works.
So it’s probably a problem of the game itself.

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ACM just got a message about having 2 bases on HW, where 1 is allowed. However we have no bases there at all… Weird, something goes wrong with counting bases on HW…

What happened:
I went to Freefall ADM structure (the jump was f* scary!)
I went to the Maze and arrived at the Alien container that’s supposed to be great :slight_smile:
Well it was not set to PUBLIC (other faction) so no reward/loot.

Player(s) with issue: Lirezh
Server: EU
Time (cb:time): 6 in the morning GMT :slight_smile:
Playfield: Binomi Orbit

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Hey i quickly searched through the forum but didnt see any thing related to my issue/bug.

When i type: cb:nextwipe
the message i get is sooo big i cant pres “done”/“okay” or whatever to close the log, and pressing esc doesnt work, i had to alt+F4 in order to get out of it. maybe a quick fix by making the list a bit shorter?


I checked and they should respawn after awhile (if touched before)

We know, We will fix it asap

What about your Alliance? It’s 1 Base per alliance as well

Thanks, we try to improve.
Next time please just hit couple of times the Enter key. That closes it.

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Could be, not sure as we were not there, but the msg was about the acm faction. Maybe need a different msg if is is an aliance caused violation

Server: NA
Players: Ranzeth & Vandrius
Bug: We had our epic weapons and 999 gold stacks on server restart and did not get our RP.

The RP check is at 8:50. You put the weapon in afterwards:


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