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I still cant login to HWS

As I wrote yesterday I cant enter the game. I can enter all other servers without any problems but not HWS. (But I have verified game files and checked the game in other ways even though the problem seems to be on HWS server only.)

I will send coordinates next time, sorry.
Because of DSL you have to fly close, then it gets set to you (private)

see at the right the coordinates

The corruption is happening on every server that heavily use EAH features.
But no other server that much than us. So we are working hard on a fix.
Overall an Eleon issue regarding .ply and DB


Thanks. Ill try it when i can enter the game again. I cant enter HWS at the moment. So ill play at another server and wait until i can.

ECC Market showing strange entries in Pending
1 Erestrum Ore for -39k
999 Erestrum Ore (my offer) fro 75k
1 Zascosium Ore for -49k
999 Zascosium Ore (my offering) for +65k

Am i paying 49k for one zascosium ore???
Before Alpha 12 i never saw such strange entries in ECC market

At the times this happened i was offline.

I bought a Heavy Armour for 50k but my inventory was full and it just disappeared???
There was now only 1 of 2 left so i bought the other one with a place free in inventory and that did work. What happened to the other armour, the offer disappeared (he had 2 for sale)


Not sure if this is HWS or Eleon. If one were to warp in to a solar system in a CV then undock an SV to warp around the adjacent systems, they will not be able to get back to the warp in point where the sun is while flying an SV.

This is a design flaw that came in with the Galaxy :frowning:
The “trick” is to set a waypoint marker to your CV you left behind.
Once you jump away you can then jump back with your SV to the waypoint.

This is new > warping to a waypoint.


Location: one of the portal missions from ECC-HQ. But my guess is that this is a generic bug (also probably not HWS, but empyrion related)

Reproducability: don’t know
Severity: Min/Med

Summary: the drop box when you die was empty

Description: I entered a mission. Got hunted by 5 drones, killing me regularly. All fine. Picked up my stuff and continued. Until I got killed at the exact moment I picked up my stuff. When I respawned the box was empty. My stuff gone.

Steps to reproduce: Could not reproduce (as all my stuff was already gone).

Ok maybe I’m just going crazy but is anyone else having their epic weapons randomly vanish? I noticed it before the last emergency wipe when unstacking them and figured it was the database corruption issue. Recently I have noticed my epics just poof shortly after putting them in my inventory or hot bar sometimes. Has anyone else noticed this?

Not so far, but will keep a ekstra look, as i usaly gives allot away…


Ninja Mission: The quest from the PDA never activates when entering the mission.

Darkness lies mission: When completing the objectives and the gate activates, it does not send you back to ECC. It doesn’t send you anywhere.

Freelancer origin mission: After destroying all of the spawn pads, mobs still spawn in the rows quite often. Not sure if this is by design.

Explosion armor durability: The amount armor durability is reduced from an explosion (like from a rocket wielding mob) is a bit excessive. After a few hits, heavy or epic armor durability is zero.


Should be fixed this evening.

Should be fixed this evening.

You mean the hacking one? Intentional.

Balancing is still not done. Will look into it.

Thanks a lot for your report!! Helps a lot.

Stuck on a Planet without anything need a Teleport away from Vapithra System the complete playfield not loading (stuck since 30mins) without loading screen in loading into the server.
Yesterday it was another playfield hope rly today came the fix do not wanna get now cb:restet :frowning: Fed HQ will be good if it will be posible to do that.

You need to make a ticket, your situation is more of a “I need help” than a bug.


no mr troll :slight_smile: after 4hrs its fixed ~_~


ECC Mision
The ResourceMole Race

The missions doesnt start automaticly
Tryed 2 times in 3 days now but still

ECC Mission
Loot & Survive
Tried 2times both time times mission thitnt start automatical

Zombie Digger Mission and Jumper RunnerZ Mission: The description on the portal says “If you do not succeed in xx minutes or logout, you will lose your backpack”. If you logout you do lose your backpack. Either need to fix the losing backpack or change text on portals.

Zombie Digger Mission: I got all four levers as described by the LCD screen underground, but as far as I can tell that doesn’t do much of anything. Also, there is not much description to the point of the mission so it is a little confusing what needs to be done.

What is wrong with the wording?
In both cases you lose your backpack as you said.

Yes, I will rework the Mission. Not very intuitive!

Ah, sorry. That is my mistake. I was reading it incorrectly as you must either succeed or logout. If not you will lose your backpack.

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