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Sorry, it is the Freelancer origin elemental hacking mission. The terminal is for Air in the NW corner

yes sry, found it and fixed it for next server restart.

The meta planet in ECC system seems to have floating grass, trees and plants. Especially close to the buildings.

If you put Night Vision in the OCD, it disappears…

Thanks, this triggered me. I tried it with Edge and that worked fine (should have thought of that before I posted a ticket :stuck_out_tongue: . So then I tried to clean history and settings in Chrome, did not work. In the end I reinstalled Chrome and that did the trick.


EU Server

The teleporter in the HWS Orbital Fuel Station transport to the EGS Flying City - however the LCD sign states the destination is the EGS HQ.

One or the other must be wrong :slight_smile:

see screen shot


Recycling the base with normal L windows gave back small windows for sv/hv…the windows blocks ware placed by hand, no prefab to be blamed on…

EU server.
It is impossible to warp on SV to the center of the system. What is the reason behind it??
I have CV at Blue Dwarf System[Sun right] and a SV at Zion space and cannot warp to the sun to my CV. Distance is ok for SV.

waypoint the cv in the sun. then point n shoot :wink:

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Solved thanks to @Takail

Takail Yesterday at 10:24 PM

@Joulupukki right click on the center of the system and set a waypoint then you can warp to that

EU server
Blue Dwarf
Zion space

Absent structures:
689330 HQ
10516278 Halepa
597174 AngryMiner
11146261 AngryMiner3
2457722 Worm
and probably some others

Structures returned. thank you!

The HWS Connect withdrew money from my bank for trader packages, I didn’t recieve the packages, but HWS connect withdrew the money and RP, and then in Game: I got you can only get 4 packages per day message. one was a team 3.0 package, and the other was a Starfire’s Respawn package. I was getting the second package for the start of the new season tomorrow, to have the parts I need for my starter CV. I would like either the money and rp returned or the items that I paid for.

@furban1971 the trader packages usually pull up a window giving u the purchased items and u have to manually put them in ur inventory. u will need to make a ticket if u didn’t get them. or click the 3 orange bars on the top right and hit “Need Help?”

keep in mind the new season starts tomorrow and everything in play will vanish.

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