Server Disconnect warping from Black Hole

What happened: Over the last couple weeks when warping to LAV or Homeworld from the Black Hole, my screen turns white indicating warp. However, during this transition, the server disconnects and when I reglog my character is floating in space in Black Hole and my ship is either in a different galaxy.
Can you make suggestions on how to correct this? I have a very fast cable connection. I upgraded my video card to handle the graphics and my settings are all on low and in some cases - off.
**[color=d0901d]Player(s) (CB) WreckinCrew
Server: HWS/NA
**[color=d0901d]Time Last occurred about 830pm c/t
**[color=d0901d]Playfield: Black Hole
**[color=d0901d]Structure Name(s): Chicago
**[color=d0901d]Structure ID(s)
**[color=d0901d]How can we help you now: Looking for suggestions on correcting disconnects from server. Firewall is not blocking and connection is very good. Holds 35ms to server most times. Members of my faction have to get me each time this occurs and it happens often.

In the meantime, keep a warp capable sv and/or cv in your factory and a spawn pad big enough to spawn them on. You can place the base in space to allow you ship to spawn. (Also, you should always have fuel and pentaxid on you when flying for this reason)

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Back from vacation:

We can’t do much about it except pushing Eleon to improve the situation. You are good to go again afaik.